For this discussion, students with last names beginning A-G will argue in support of high stakes testing. So you will argue in SUPPORT OF HIGH STAKES TESTING.

High-stakes testing is a rather controversial topic in the realm of education. For this discussion, your instructor will divide you into two different debate groups based on support and opposition on the topic of high-stakes testing. Review Chapter 6 to refresh your knowledge on assessments and then review the additional sources and links to review the controversy over high-stakes testing to assist in formulating your defense with support from the literature:
•Nichols, S. L. & Berliner, D.C. (2008). Why has High-Stakes Testing so Easily Slipped into Contemporary American Life? The Education Digest, 74(4), 41-48. Retrieved from the Proquest database

•Wilkins, A. (2012). Testing isn’t the problem: a robust curriculum and high-quality teaching is the answer. District Administration, (8). 40. Retrieved Ebsohost database. Is the use of standardized tests improving education in America? Retrieved from
Feel free to read additional literature about the topic and be sure to cite.

Consider your assigned position and formulate a defense statement that includes the following:
a. Based on your research, provide at least 3 reasons for your position that is supported by the literature. You also want to provide solid examples to support each reason.

b. Respond to at least one classmate that has been assigned a different position from you and offer a rebuttal which includes 2 pieces of evidence to support your opposition.

c. Respond to your original post and provide your own opinion of high-stakes testing based on the evidence from the research and the responses of your classmates. Did your thinking change after reading the research and your classmates’ viewpoints? Share your concerns about high-stakes testing and how you think it may impact you as a future educator. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.
(Completion of a, b, and c meets your participation requirement for this discussion question.)




High-Stake Testing

High-stakes testing is the act of joining very significant results to state administered test scores, and the engine driving the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. According to Nichols & Berliner, (2008), the justification for high-stakes testing is that the guarantee of prizes and the threats of disciplines will make instructors work all the more adequately, students to be more inspired, and schools to run more efficiently, all of which will bring about more prominent scholastic accomplishment for all learners, particularly those from destitution and minority foundations.

High-stakes testing has been found to have a variety of advantages to the American education system. The reasons for supporting high-stake testing is that high-stakes test results can be utilized to offer educators some assistance with creating a learning arrangement taking into account your child’s need, helping her over the longer time. Also, Information from statewide testing is quite often openly accessible. As a guardian, you can take a look at these outcomes to perceive how well, or ineffectively, your kid’s school is performing (Brown & Beswick, 2014).  Also, high-stake tests are comprehensive and non-prejudicial because they guarantee substance is proportionate for all students. Moreover, High stakes exams can bring about successive practice tests that can offer children some assistance with improving their test-taking capacities after some time, giving the students the advantage of figuring out how to handle the weight, and building up the attitudes and procedures essential to meet the school’s and guardians’ desires.

In conclusion, high-stake testing is a fair and objective measure of student ability, which they ensure teachers and schools are accountable to parents and students. Testing is essential as it a way of tracking academic advancement for the advantage of scholars and for the instructors to realize the areas they need to improve so as to help every person in the classroom (Yerdelen-Damar & Elby, 2016).

















Nichols, S. L., & Berliner, D. C. (2008). Why has high-stakes testing so easily slipped into            contemporary American life?. The Phi Delta Kappan, 89(9), 672-676.

Brown, N., & Beswick, K. (2014). Policy and Curriculum Research in the Context of Change. In             The Future of Educational Research (pp. 3-11). SensePublishers.

Yerdelen-Damar, S., & Elby, A. (2016). Sophisticated epistemologies of physics versus high-s      takes tests: How do elite high school students respond to competing influences about how   to learn physics?. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010118.

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