Compare Lemon city park & Scott Rakow Youth Center
write 2 pages – 400 words – on the most important architectural and urban similarities and differences between the community centers. Focus on the questions in the assignment, particularly on issues of design and urbanism. Here are two other questions that we talked about and you might consider:
If community centers are the centers of communities, then what sort of public spaces might they offer?
Where would these spaces be the most meaningful for the neighborhood?
How might these public spaces engage the street?
And in the end, is the city equitable? Does the city offer every kid – whether rich or poor – a good community center where they can grow up healthy in their neighborhood?
At the end – Please give yourself and your group members grades – Either check, check plus, check minus – for the work they put into the project. Did they do extra to support the group, did they do the average amount, or did they slack off and lean on others to do the work?