Classification and Division Essays

You will need to write a three essays in your college career. Two of those essays are the classification and division essays.

what I need is to write three separate essays about college career, two of them should be classification and division essays. one page for each essay is good. no need for sources

thank you

Understanding Classification and Division


When you write a division essay, you break down a concept or item into its component parts.

Examples of division:

  • Parts of an essay outline: introduction, body, conclusion
  • Departments in a grocery store: produce, meat, seafood, dairy, beer and wine, delicatessen, bakery, grocery department [center of store], front end [cash registers, customer service desk, ATM, etc.]


When you write a classification essay, you arrange multiple items into several categories [or types].

Examples of classification:

  • Ethnic restaurants: Italian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, etc.
  • Cars [by size]: subcompact, compact, mid-size, large
  • Cars [by body type]: sedan, coupe, hatchback, station wagon, minivan, SUV


The last two examples demonstrate an important concept for classification essays. When you classify a topic, the items in each category share a common bond. For that reason, categories must be based on a guiding principle. These classifications group cars first by size and then by body type. You would not want to create categories that mix two different principles.


For example, it is confusing to classify types of cars this way: compact, sedan, minivan, mid-size, SUV since some of the categories are based on size and some are based on body type


Here is another classification example. You can classify apples using several different principles:

  1. size: small, medium, large
  2. Color: red, green, yellow, mixture
  3. Taste: mildly tart, tart, sweet-tart, mildly sweet, very sweet, super sweet
  4. Uses: excellent for baking, excellent for sauce, excellent for snacking, excellent for freezing


Things to think about as you classify a topic:

  1. Don’t mix principles.
  2. Make sure that your categories don’t overlap. If an item can fit in more than one category, then you need to narrow the principle to make each category distinct
  3. Don’t leave out an important category
  4. Build meaningful categories.

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