“Cinderella Across Cultures” Synthesis Essay

The Cinderella tale is a fascinating, multilayered, and ever-changing story constantly reinvented in different media and tradition (Lacey & Wozniak).It  is a story that is found in cultures across the globe.  You have now read multiple versions of the Cinderella story. Just like creation myths, fairy tales can teach about the values and traditions of a culture.


Task: Write an essay in which you compare three Cinderella stories and what they teach about their culture of origin.  In your essay, you should do the following:

  • Develop a strong thesis statement about the similarities and differences of three Cinderella stories and what we can learn about a culture or people based on its telling of this fairy tale.
  • Use examples from three Cinderella stories to support your thesis. You must choose either the Perrault or Grimm version of the story and then two additional cultures.
  • Use the language and vocabulary of the genre (elements of fairy tales) when appropriate.
  • Research your two chosen cultures to learn about their values and beliefs. Reference these values in your analysis of the tale.
  • Your intro paragraph & conclusion paragraph should focus on how the stories are similar/different and their importance
  • Develop 3+ body paragraphs about the stories, their similarities and differences, and the cultural values and traditions they demonstrate (including research).


Your essay must meet the following requirements:

  • 12-pt Font, Double spaced, MLA Heading
  • Minimum 3 pages typed
  • MLA Works Cited page
  • Proper quotes with parenthetical citations


Essays that do not meet the above requirements will not score higher than a C- (70).


If you need to look at a sample essay, there is one here:


Submit your essay to on or before the Due Date. Be sure to put any quoted material (anything not in your own words) in quotation marks. Similarity reports greater than 10% will be automatically given a 50% (F).



Synthesis Essay Rubric

  Exemplary (A) Proficient (B) Emerging (C) Incomplete (D)
Ideas The essay has a clearly stated claim and develops the comparison effectively by integrating relevant evidence from a variety of texts as well as research. The essay has a claim and develops the comparison by integrating evidence from a variety of texts and some research. The essay has an unclear claim, lacks focus, or uses vague, insufficient, or irrelevant evidence; may substitute summary for evidence. May not include research. The essay is not coherent and does not make a clear claim; it provides little evidence; insufficient or missing research.
Structure The essay uses an effective organization that establishes clear relationships among claims, reasons & evidence; The writer introduces ideas smoothly, develops claims fairly and provides a satisfying conclusion; Transitions are appropriate and varied. The essay uses adequate organization that establishes relationships among claims, reasons and evidence;

The writer introduces ideas and provides a conclusion; Transitions are varied.

The essay uses  inconsistent or confusing organization; does not develop claims or conclude ideas; uses weak, repetitive, or insufficient transitions The essay uses a confusing organization or does not link ideas; does not develop claims or provide a conclusion; uses weak or no transitions
Use of Language The essay uses diction and syntax that convey a formal, authoritative voice; correctly embeds text evidence; demonstrates strong command of conventions The essay uses diction and syntax that convey a formal voice; demonstrates adequate command of conventions The essay does not use appropriate diction or formal voice; demonstrates partial or insufficient command of conventions; errors interfere with meaning The essay uses inappropriate diction and informal voice; demonstrates little command of conventions; numerous errors interfere with meaning




Essay Planner



Thesis: What we can learn about a culture or people based on its telling of the Cinderella story?


Thesis: Despite the different versions of the Cinderella story coming from a multitude of cultures, each rendition is both similar and different as they follow a general story plot that reveals their own unique cultural qualities.


Tale 1: “Yeh-Shen” Ai-Ling Louie (China)


Tale 2: “The Korean Cinderella Story” Shirley Climo (Korea)


Tale 3: “Cinderella” Charles Perrault (Europe)

Body Paragraph 1
Claim: Values evident in Tale #1 Good luck and fortune is reflected within the magical fish that grants Yeh-Shen her wishes despite her misfortune growing up.
Example 1 from Tale #1 with citation Yeh-Shen grows up with fish which acts as her only support system.


“The only friend that Yeh-Shen had to her name was a fish she had caught and raised.” (“Yeh-Shen”,  Ai-Ling Louie)

Example 2 from Tale #1 with citation The fish bones grant Yeh-Shen’s wishes and enables her to attend the ball.


“Yeh-Shen sat up to find a very old man looking down at her…he said ‘For I have come bringing you a gift…the bones of your fish are filled with a powerful spirit. Whenever you are in serious need, you must kneel before them and let them know of your heart’s desire.’” (“Yeh-Shen”,  Ai-Ling Louie)

Vocabulary of the Genre associated with these examples Guardians and enchantments (bones and fish)
Body Paragraph 2
Claim: Values Evident in Tale # 2 Animals are symbolic of many values in life and that is why the Korean Cinderella story contains animals that help Pear Blossom with her tasks.
Example 1 from Tale #2 with citation A flock of sparrows help Pear Blossom polish spilled rice.


“Wings whirled overhead, and a flock of sparrow flew out of the tree. ‘Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!’ the sparrows called to Pear Blossom. They pecked at the rice, separating husk from kernel. In a matter of minutes the sparrows had polished the rice and piled it in a corner.” (“The Korean Cinderella”, Shirley Climo)

Example 2 from Tale #2 with citation Ox helps Pear Blossom clear all the weeds in the rice field.


“When she reached the fields, Pear Blossom dropped the basket in dismay… Weeding it would take weeks…Suddenly a whirlwind twisted through the fields, and a huge black ok reared up from a cloud of dust…The ox began to munch the weeds, moving through the rows of rice faster than the wind itself.” (“The Korean Cinderella”, Shirley Climo)

Vocabulary of the Genre associated with these examples Common motifs – animals that help Pear Blossom
Body Paragraph 3
Claim: Values Evident in Tale #3 Strive to live with kindness and graciousness as all good things come to those who are good-natured.
Example 1 from Tale #3  with citation Quote shows that Cinderella is the only person willing to show the stepsisters kindness.


“Anyone but Cinderella would have fixed their hair awry, but she was very good, and dressed them perfectly well.” (“Cinderella”, Perrault)

Example 2 from Tale #3  with citation Cinderella forgives her sisters despite the poor treatment they gave her


“They threw themselves at her feet to beg pardon for all the ill treatment they had made her undergo. Cinderella took them up, and, as she embraced them, said that she forgave them with all her heart, and wanted them always to love her” (“Cinderella”, Perrault)

Vocabulary of the Genre associated with these examples Universal Truth: it is always better to treat people with kindness
Conclusion Paragraph
Explain how the three tales are similar and different and what this shows us about human values across cultures. –          Each tale contains a similar lot that contains the concept of the “underdog” winning (similarity)

–          Incorporates different elements pertaining to their respective cultures in order to convey the story (difference

–          Despite the different elements used, at the end of the day, each of these stories convey the same moral of the story: goodness comes to those who strive to be kind and patient in life (similariy)


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