Challenges of Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in organizations


In preparation, submit an annotated bibliography of 10peer reviewed sources not older than 2018 resources related to the topic below.

Topic: Challenges of Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in organizations

Please, you have to write and use only peer reviewed sources not older than 2018.

Please do NOTuse any of the 10 peer reviewed sources in the example below.

You have to write another New 10 peer reviewed sources not older 2018 and not in the example below.

See the example below that you wrote before and you need to use it to write this paper.

For each entry, be sure to address the following as a minimum:

  • Include the full APA citation.
  • Describe the scope of the resource.
  • Explain the purpose and philosophical approach or methodology.
  • Explain the underlying assumptions.
  • Relate the resource to the body of resources you have consulted in this course.
  • Explain any evident limitations and opportunities for further inquiry.



Challenges of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in Organizations

Annotated Bibliography

Alsadah, A., &Alhajjaj, H. (2018). Challenges of cloud solutions adoption in large corporations.EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems, 5(14), 1–5.

Alsadah&Alhajjaj(2018) sought to determine the challenges corporations encounter when implementing cloud-based solutions. The researchers were also interested to evaluate the reasons an organization uses when selecting cloud infrastructure. A literature review was used to assess the lessons learned by businesses in their cloud adoption journey. Data for the study was based on literature that articulate the issues organizations experience when transitioning to cloud solutions. The assumption of the study was that every organization should integrate cloud technology into their business operations. Findings from study will enhance my research, which focuses on the problems encounter in Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) adoption. The limitation of the study is that it focused exclusively on organizations based in Saudi Arabia.

Dimitri, N. (2020). Pricing cloud IaaS computing services. Journal of Cloud Computing, 9(1), 1–11.

In this study, Dimitri (2020) investigated IaaS pricing strategies adopted by cloud computing service providers to determine optimal pricing rules and their relevant parameters by using available data sets. Content analysis was used to evaluate the different pricing schemes while taking the user point of view into account at the same time. The underlying assumption is that the economic value of each of job on an IaaS platform is similar and the time taken to complete it can be exactly controlled. The study found that the three pricing models used by IaaS providers are pay-as-you-go, on-demand pricing, and spot marketing. The limitations of the study is that the pricing did not account for interruption costs. Future studies should take the complexity of the job into account when evaluating pricing schemes.

Fenner, G., Lima, A. S., de Souza, J. N., Moura, J. A. B., &Bezerra, T. R. (2021). Business-driven support for infrastructure as a service capacity management through system dynamics simulations.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 18(2), 2063–2076.

Fenner et al. (2021) analyze ways in which IaaS managers decide on platform capacity management and how they support their decisions. The researchers developed a simulation model that addresses the challenges IaaS vendors encounter when effecting platform capacity design and management. A case study approach was used to evaluate the effectiveness of current capacity management processes. Literature reviews, on-site observations, and simulations were used to uncover patterns that could inform IaaS decision-making. The study found that cost and process optimization, perceived value of service, and staff investment are the guiding principles used by IaaS managers to support their decisions. The researchers assumed that one in five of the customers uses the service at any given time. Findings from the study could be instrumental when deciding upon the ideal IaaS platform as a solution for a specific business. Further studies should assess IaaS performance and its impact on customer satisfaction.

Filiopoulou, E., Dede, G., Michalakelis, C., &Kamalakis, T. (2019). End-user and provider requirements for pricing policies of infrastructure as a service.IEEE Internet Computing, 23(5), 36–48.

This peer reviewed article by Filiopoulou et al. (2019) analyzes end-user and IaaS vendors pricing strategies that satisfy both parties. IaaS pricing strategies are designed to offer value-for-money solutions in the competitive cloud computing landscape. The researchers used a comparative analysis and structural-equation-models to evaluate the contrasting pricing strategies. Findings from the study identified CPU performance, memory, and storage as the common variables used in a pricing strategy. The research findings will be used in my study to evaluate the factors that complicate IaaS integration. Future research should examine the influence of non-essential services in cloud computing pricing.

Gill, S. S., &Buyya, R. (2018). Failure management for reliable cloud computing: A taxonomy, model and future directions. Computing in Science & Engineering, 22(3), 52–63.

Gill andBuyya(2018) classify existing management methods in cloud computing to gain an insight on the challenges cloud vendors face when attempting to ensure service reliability. They used a case study approach to evaluate the fault tolerance of cloud microservices. In the study, the researchers assume that cloud workflow applications use dynamic provisioned resources to execute services. Cloud service failure has significant financial implications for businesses who utilize the technology. Future studies should include an evaluation of cloud service failure as result of security issues.

Ibrahim, A. F., &Hemayed, E. E. (2019). Trusted cloud computing architectures for infrastructure as a service: Survey and systematic literature review. Computers & Security, 82, 196–226.

Ibrahim andHemayed(2019) conducted an investigation on the integration of trusted computing tools into cloud computing. The aim of the study was to create a new cloud computing architecture that attracts more users into implementing a trusted cloud environment. A systematic literature review and a qualitative survey was used to suggest new architectures. The underlying assumption was that attackers gain access to the trusted platform module (TPM) chip, which led the researchers to highlight security and trust challenges that affect IaaS services. Future studies should evaluate the impact of cloud service processing and data exchange security on organizational adoption of IaaS.

Iqbal, A., &Colomo-Palacios, R. (2019). Key opportunities and challenges of data migration in cloud: Results from a multivocal literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 164, 48–55.

IqbalandColomo-Palacios (2019) evaluate the challenges and opportunities present in data migration from on-site servers to the cloud. Their assessment took security, cost, vendor selection, and performance as assessment indicators into account. Organizations base their decisions to adopt an IaaS solution on the above-mentioned indicators when considering cloud environments. A multivocal literature review was used in which so-called “grey literature”like blog posts and white papers were included to gain more insight on financially viable, productive, and safe migration strategies. The limitation of study is controlling for bias and the lack of relevant sources. The researchers’ underlying assumption was that the sources and sampled organizations gave accurate feedback. The challenges and opportunities include in the study will augment the validity/invalidity of my research questions.

Khayer, A., Jahan, N., Hossain, N., &Hossain, Y. (2020). The adoption of cloud computing in small and medium enterprises: A developing country perspective. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 51(1), 64–91.

The peer reviewed article explores the aspects that affect cloud computing adoption by small-to-medium sized organizations. Khayer et al. (2020) use the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to evaluate organizations’ expectations of cloud performance. The researchers assume that the qualitative and statistical data they present share a causal relationship. Findings from the study may assist organizations identify barriers associated with cloud service adoption. Future studies should identify trends in small-, medium-, and large-scale  adoption of cloud services.

Nunez, M. A., Bai, X., & Du, L. (2020). Leveraging slack capacity in IaaS contract cloud services. Production and Operations Management, 30(4), 883–901.

Nunez et al. (2020) conducted a study in which they evaluate the optimal pricing and virtual machine allocation strategy that could maximize revenue and service reliability. The researchers based their cloud contract models on current pricing strategies used by vendors. The study uses a comparative hybrid model to assess optimal IaaS solutions. A limitation in the study is its small sample size. Findings from the study can be used to develop an effective IaaS adoption strategy by organizations. Further studies should factor market conditions into their optimal strategy evaluation.

Vo, T. H., Fuhrmann, W., Fischer-Hellmann, K. P., &Furnell, S. (2019). Identity-as-a-service: An adaptive security infrastructure and privacy-preserving user identity for the cloud environment. Future Internet, 11(5), 116–140.

Vo et al.(2019) sought to determine the trust relationship between organizations and cloud services because the adaptation of enterprise applications into the cloud has become a prevalent business practice. The researchers developed a novel IaaSarchitecture design to evaluate the security topology implemented by cloud vendors. They conclude that cloud service performance is dependent on security levels and user-server pairing. Findings from the study will expand the scope of my study on security tools used by cloud vendors. Future studies should factor malicious cloud hosts into their research.




Alsadah, A., &Alhajjaj, H. (2018). Challenges of cloud solutions adoption in large corporations.EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems, 5(14), 1–5.

Dimitri, N. (2020). Pricing cloud IaaS computing services. Journal of Cloud Computing, 9(1), 1–11.

Fenner, G., Lima, A. S., de Souza, J. N., Moura, J. A. B., &Bezerra, T. R. (2021). Business-driven support for infrastructure as a service capacity management through system dynamics simulations.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 18(2), 2063–2076.

Filiopoulou, E., Dede, G., Michalakelis, C., &Kamalakis, T. (2019). End-user and provider requirements for pricing policies of infrastructure as a service.IEEE Internet Computing, 23(5), 36–48.

Gill, S. S., &Buyya, R. (2018). Failure management for reliable cloud computing: A taxonomy, model and future directions. Computing in Science & Engineering, 22(3), 52–63.

Ibrahim, A. F., &Hemayed, E. E. (2019). Trusted cloud computing architectures for infrastructure as a service: Survey and systematic literature review. Computers & Security, 82, 196–226.

Iqbal, A., &Colomo-Palacios, R. (2019). Key opportunities and challenges of data migration in cloud: Results from a multivocal literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 164, 48–55.

Khayer, A., Jahan, N., Hossain, N., &Hossain, Y. (2020). The adoption of cloud computing in small and medium enterprises: A developing country perspective. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 51(1), 64–91.

Nunez, M. A., Bai, X., & Du, L. (2020). Leveraging slack capacity in IaaS contract cloud services. Production and Operations Management, 30(4), 883–901.

Vo, T. H., Fuhrmann, W., Fischer-Hellmann, K. P., &Furnell, S. (2019). Identity-as-a-service: An adaptive security infrastructure and privacy-preserving user identity for the cloud environment. Future Internet, 11(5), 116–140.

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