ECM22EKM: Leadership and People Management
Individual Assignment (contributes 50% to module mark)
September 2021
Date of submission: To be specified by EAU
Word count 3000 words (+20%/-10%) excluding appendices and bibliography/ references.
This assessment requires you read the attached case study (Saudi Arabia Begins Localization of Education Sector Jobs). This case study is based on an article published in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper and is intended to assess how the localisation of jobs is likely to impact the educational sector’s strategic approach.
Using your learning from this module, identify relevant academic models, arguments and critiques to suggest practices that leaders, managers and HR practitioners should consider or avoid.
Saudi Arabia Begins Localization of Education Sector Jobs
Thursday, 2 September, 2021 – 09:45
Riyadh – Asharq Al-Awsat
Saudi Arabia started on Wednesday the first phase of localization of educational jobs in private schools and international schools for boys and girls. This aligns with the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Ahmed Al-Rajhi’s decision last May.
According to Al-Rajhi’s decision, the Kingdom aims to Saudize a specific percentage of jobs and to create 28,000 jobs for Saudis in a number of subjects in various phases of public education.
Saudization will be implemented in specific proportions over several phases within a span of the coming three years.
The first phase of Saudization in the international schools covers specializations like the Arabic language, national identity, Islamic studies, social studies, art education, and physical education.
The decision also aims to increase Saudization rates in private schools in all disciplines, including mathematics, physics, biology, science, and computer.
The ministerial decision stipulated a grace period from the date of its issuance until the date of implementation of the decision in each phase. During the grace period, the establishment can work to achieve its targeted Saudization rates.
A package of incentives and support will be provided to these establishments as part of supporting private sector establishments in employing Saudis.
According to the procedural guide for Saudization of private education, the Saudization percentage of one teacher will be calculated if his/her monthly wage registered in the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) is not less than SAR 5,000 for a bachelor’s degree holder or its equivalent qualification.
Teachers receiving a wage less than SAR 5,000 will not be counted in the Saudization percentage.
The decision aims to create 28,000 educational jobs for the sons and daughters of the country in private schools and international schools during the next three years.
This decision comes in line with the ministry’s plan to Saudize and boost opportunities available to Saudi men and women participating in the labor market and thus contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP).
This assignment assesses the following course objectives:
- Analyse the existing human resources management (HRM) practices in an organisation in order to plan how to facilitate and manage changes.
- Evaluate best practice in communicating with employees both directly and through trades unions/ workers cooperatives
Assessment criteria:
Nature of the topic/introduction 10%
A review of appropriate academic literature 30%
Analysis and discussion 35%
Conclusions and recommendations 15%
Presentation & referencing 10%
(You are required to provide a minimum of 10 appropriate academic references to support your work)
General Guidelines
Nature of the topic/introduction (10% of marks = approximately 350 words). In this section of your assignment it is expected that you identify the key issues associated with LPM, from the perspective of the employer.
Review of appropriate academic literature (30% of marks = approximately 950 words). In order to build knowledge, it is important that you access a range of relevant resources. A literature review is concerned with judging the merit or otherwise of a body of research that addresses a research question. A further definition is “In writing the literature review, the purpose is to convey to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. The literature review must be defined by a guiding concept
(eg. your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of summaries.
Analysis and Discussion (35% of marks = approximately 1150 words). Having reviewed relevant literature on LPM, as per earlier section, it should be possible to carry out an analysis and discussion. In this section you will be identifying key challenges for employers and exploring ways of overcoming these.
Conclusions and recommendations (15% of marks = approximately 550 words). In this section you conclude the main points of earlier research and discussion – please note that you should not include any new materials at this point. Also, you provide your recommendations.
Presentation and referencing (10% of marks) this is a critical element of undertaking academic study. It is imperative that you correctly cite and reference all sources used to inform your work. Guidelines on Harvard Referencing are available on Moodle.
Date of submission: To be specified by EAU
Word count 3000 words (+20%/-10%) excluding appendices and bibliography/references. Exceeding or falling short of the admissible word count incurs a one-grade penalty; i.e. the next lower grade will be applied to your overall assignment, or will be considered a Fail if 50% or more below or above the admissible scope for the assignment.
Assignments are to be submitted to (as will be advised in separate instructions) prior to submission for marking according to the attached assessment sheet.
Assignments can be accepted only in MS Word Document format (2007 or later versions), not as PDF. The assignment should be formatted single spaced, font size 12 (Times, Roman or Ariel) and set within standard page margins of 1 inch.