Analysis Instructions
Case analysis sections will be due each week.
It must provide an in-depth analysis of the Harvard Business Publishing case study titled, GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership [Product No.: 399150-PDF-ENG].
The paper must be supported by the Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations text (Griffin, Phillips, and Gully), as well as five other outside sources.
The intent of the paper is to provide students the opportunity to further explore topics from the course, demonstrate an informed understanding of the topics, and apply relevant knowledge to analyzing and evaluating the case.
The final case analysis (critical assignment) must include the following components which will be graded according to the standards that are established in the Final Case Analysis Grading Rubric attached to the assignment in Blackboard. The schedule for submitting each section and the final case analysis is as follows:
Week 2: Statement of Core Problem
The above components must have a section heading and address the requirements as specified in the grading rubric. In addition, writing quality and adherence to standards will be graded.
The papers must reflect the work of each student. This is not a group assignment in terms of the actual term paper; however, students are encouraged to collaborate and discuss the contents of the case outside of class. Collaboration and dialogue will enhance the learning experience as students share opinions, analyze the issues, formulate critiques, and evaluate judgments related to the case.
Note: Paper must be Times New Roman font, 12-point in type size. Title and reference pages do not count towards page count.
- Thoroughly Identify core problem of the case with applicable rationale and evidence.
- Discusses the severity of the core problem.
- Provides supporting rationale.
- Discusses implications of the core problem.
- How and to what extent may the core problem affect thestakeholders/those being led? Provides supporting rationale.
- Gender Differences in Mathematics Achievement in Urban Middle School Students
I have a draft of my Chapter 4 Results. I want the chapter edited and expanded in each of the following 5 sections (1-5) and each subsetion. I have outlined my draft by section and attached documents to assist/guide the writing.
1. Chapter 4: Findings
a. Begin with an introduction and restatement of the problem and purpose sentences verbatim and the organization of the chapter.
b. Organize the entire chapter around the research questions/hypotheses
2. Validity and Reliability of the Data
a. Explain the extent to which the data meet the assumptions of the statistical test and identify any potential factors that might impact the interpretation of the findings.
b. Provide evidence of the psychometric soundness (i.e., adequate validity and reliability) of the instruments from the literature as well as in this study (as appropriate).
c. Do not merely list and describe all the measures of validity and reliability.
3. Results
a. Briefly discuss the overall study. Organize the presentation of the results by the research questions/hypotheses.
b. Objectively report the results of the analysis without discussion, interpretation, or speculation.
c. Provide an overview of the demographic information collected. It can be presented in a table. Ensure no potentially identifying information is reported.
d. Research Question 1/Hypothesis
i. Report all the results (without discussion) salient to the research question/hypothesis. Identify common themes or patterns.
ii. Use tables and/or figures to report the results as appropriate.
iii. Report any additional descriptive information as appropriate. Identify the assumptions of the statistical test and explain how the extent to which the data met these assumptions was tested. Report any violations and describe how they were managed as appropriate. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis. Include relevant test statistics, p values, and effect sizes in accordance with APA requirements.
4. Evaluation of the Findings
a. Interpret the results in light of the existing research and theoretical framework (as discussed in Chapter 1 – Social Cognative Theory). Briefly indicate the extent to which the results were consistent with existing research and theory.
b. Organize this discussion by research question/hypothesis.
c. Do not draw conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the results.
d. Devote approximately one to two pages to this section.
5. Summary
a. Summarize the key points presented in the chapter.
I attached Chapters 1 (Introduction), 2 (Lit. Review) and 3 (Methods), my draft of Chapter 4 with notes and appendixes with charts and graphs. I also attached an example of Chapter 4.
Please include sources from Elizabeth Fennema, Janet Hyde and others
- Evaluating Technology Systems
7-1 Activity: Evaluating Technology Systems
This activity will help you practice evaluating technology systems and the factors used to evaluate them. This activity is a companion to the milestone due in this module and will help you with your technology recommendations.
This is an Activity not a Word Document. It request at lease 3 Sources for References and no Abstract page.
For this activity, complete the following:
Using the Evaluation Matrix Template provided, complete the evaluation of the clinical information system (CIS) for the two vendors listed in the Technology Information Sheet. A portion of the evaluation matrix has been completed, but you will need to add additional items to fully vet the vendors . You will need to come up with at least two additional evaluation factors along the lines of security, usability, functionality, accessibility, etc. to complete this assignment .
Review the Evaluation Matrix Example to help you complete your matrix. Support your answer with relevant sources.
You will be graded on the following critical elements :
• Complete: Did you fill out all of the existing fields for each of the technologies/vendors?
• Additional Evaluation Factors: Did you include at least two additional evaluation factors? You can take inspiration from the completed example.
• Support: Did you support your answers? For example, if you gave a high score to one of the vendors on a certain element, can you explain why? You may use the Technology Information Sheet as a source.
Guidelines for Submission: Use the Evaluation Matrix Template to complete this assignment. All sources should be cited using APA style .