MGMT 4825 Project Assignment – Impact Improvement Plan
Follow the instructions provided in the video. Submit a pdf file of your proposal below.
For the purposes of this assignment, you are a consultant working for a firm helping customers transform their businesses and drive meaningful impact. At the morning huddle meeting, your boss shares a few new clients your firm recently engaged with. You get a pick of the company, so your first task is to select who you’d like to work with.
All these clients have already completed the B Impact Assessment, which they shared with you [you will find a link to the assessment by clicking on the company in the Company Selection assignment]. What they are looking to do now is to drive the score improvement.
Your goal is to familiarize yourself with the current state, identify ONE improvement area you will focus on, and develop a change management and an impact improvement plan to help your client improve its impact assessment score in the chosen area.
There are five tips I’d like to share with you for completing this assignment.
One. As your client, I’m not as familiar with the B Assessment as you are, and I need to understand what it is you are proposing, why you are proposing it, and what benefits these actions will deliver.
I’m planning on investing resource time in taking actions to implement changes you suggest, and I’m also willing to consider investing in technology solutions, process changes, and company policies if you make a compelling business case for it.
Two. As in any consulting product, I’m looking for creative problem solving, and for help finding solutions that might not be apparent to me.
Apply your creativity to structure of your proposal, and be sure to help me structure the change.
Three. The design and look of your presentation matter. Use images and graphics to help tell your story.
Four. Include executive summary as I might need to socialize the essence of your proposal with other executives on my team.
It will help me tremendously to have a one-page executive summary that speaks to the problem statement, proposed solutions, and the benefits they will help realize.
Five. I’m not giving you a limit for the number of pages I’d hope to see. This is a creative assignment and I’m really looking for quality over quantity.
What it means is that I’m looking for a well-put-together thought-through proposal of executing change with a pointed substantiated action plan.
It should be clear to me, after reading your proposal, what you are suggesting, why you are suggesting it versus anything else, and what benefit my business would see as a result of executing this change.
Before you begin your work, please review the assignment grading rubric for your respective cohort to get additional specifics for the evaluation criteria.
I’m including an example of a completed assignment HERE Download HERE. While it was one of the best assignments, it did not receive a perfect score so please do not submit exact replicas of this format.