Budget Proposal Case Study: Feed My Starving Children

Feed my starving children (FMSC) is an organization that packages nutrition meals for delivery. It partners with global food distributors throughout the world to feed hungry children. Although their approach is heavily dependent on volunteers, our case study will assume volunteers packaging the food are paid. FMSC is preparing a budget for a new initiative that involves the recruitment of senior citizens as food packagers for their nutrition MannaPacks meals. These meals are formulated and developed by food science and nutrition professions and are supplemented meals designed to reduce undernutrition problems in children. MannaPack Potato-W is a fortified potato and soy meal formula to be packaged for this project is designed as a weaning food to meet the nutrition needs of children 7-12 months that complements breastfeeding.

A team of 40 paid senior citizen packagers will package MannaPack meals of a Latin American country recently devastated by the hurricane. The senior packagers will be recruited by the community center’s senior coordinator and trained by a packaging consultant who will work in a consulting capacity over the course of the program.

Based on the case study who else in addition to the 40 seniors and coordinator needs to be included in the personnel section?

Jot it down somewhere and I’ll share my answers later this week.

The packaging consultants will provide packaging trainers to the seniors. Consultants have expense lines in budgets but not in this personnel list. Hold this thought, and we’ll talk about what to do with consultants in a little bit!

This FMSC project is overseen by the Center Director who provides supervision to the Senior Coordinator and steers the project goals but her time in this project is limited to 20%, as she oversees other FMSC initiatives too.

What is the total number of personnel so far?

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