BIOL 3431 Discussion

Unit 2: Discussion [5%]

Now that you have completed the readings and activities, you are ready to participate in the Discussion for Unit 2.


Participate in the discussion by responding to the following:

  1. Write a summary [250 words or less] of a current news article about plant-based food, spices, or dye plants. Identify what you think are the most important ideas in the article. Be sure to include academic citations for the source[s] of your information.
  2. Post a question based on your news article for another student to answer.
  3. Read the other postings in the Discussion Forum, and respond to another student’s question.


Unit 3: Discussion [5%]


Participate in the Discussion Forum provided below. Your contribution should reflect what you have learned in the unit, your research on the topic, and your analysis of the contributions of fellow students.

Discussion Topics

  1. Identify and present 3 arguments for and against the genetic engineering of plants. For both for and against, outline the three reasons that, in your opinion, are the most important. List your reasons in a decreasing order of importance. Based on your arguments, are you generally in favor or against using GMO technologies?
  2. After you post your contribution, respond to one of your peers’ postings. It is unlikely that your peer will rank her/his reasons in the same order as you, so explain why you think your ranking is more compelling. You could include specific circumstances to demonstrate your position.

Peer Posting

Unit 4: Discussion [5%]

Now that you have completed the readings and activities in this unit, you are ready to participate in the discussion. Please review the guidelines and criteria in the “Helpful Hints” tab.


This discussion has two parts:

  1. Complete oneof the following [a, b, or c] and post your summary:
    1. Herbal medicines are increasing in popularity in Canada. Why is there concern over their use? How are natural remedies regulated in Canada? Do you agree that these products should be extensively regulated? Explain. Post a question about this topic for your fellow classmates to answer. When crafting your question, keep in mind that your peers should be able to answer it with a short paragraph.
    2. Ceremonies often are rich in the use of plants. Describe the importance of plants to a religious ceremony or practice. Identify the most important plants used, and whether they are native to the regions where the religion is commonly practised. If they are not native, indicate from where they come. Post a question about this topic for your fellow classmates to answer. When crafting your question, keep in mind that your peers should be able to answer it with a short paragraph.
    3. Ethnobotanyhas many definitions. How would you define the term? Do you think the use of plants by recent immigrants falls within your definition? Explain your answer. Describe the methods you would use to carry out such research. You can consider an existent situation, such as immigrants to Canada, or a hypothetical one. Post a question about this topic for your fellow classmates to answer. When crafting your question, keep in mind that your peers should be able to answer it with a short paragraph.

Read the other students’ postings. Find one that is particularly interesting to you [it should be on a different topic than the one you covered]. Comment on the posting, and answer the question he/she has posed.

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