Basic Op-Ed Structure From The Op-Ed Project: IS NOT A RULE! – JUST ONE WAY OF APPROACHING IT.)
Lede (Around a news hook)
Thesis (Statement of argument – either explicit or implied)
Argument: Based on evidence (such as stats, news, reports from credible organizations, expert quotes, scholarship, history, first-hand experience)• 1st Point◦ evidence◦evidence◦conclusion•
2nd Point◦evidence ◦ evidence◦conclusion•
3rd Point◦evidence◦evidence◦conclusionNote:
In a simple, declarative op-ed (“policy X is bad; here’s why”) , this may be straightforward. In a more complex commentary, the 3rd point may expand on the bigger picture—historical context, global/geographic picture, mythological underpinnings, etc.—or may offer an explanation for a mystery that underpins the argument– eg., why a bad policy continues, in spite of its failures.“
To Be Sure” paragraph (in which you pre-empt your potential critics by acknowledging any flaws in your argument, and address any obvious counter-arguments.)