
Development in Oil & Gas Retail Industries

Instructions   CourseworkAssignmentBrief     ModuleTitle: DevelopmentinOil&Gas RetailIndustries Programme BSc(Honours) Level: Level6 Format: AssignmentTask2:Report Presentation: Yes Anyspecial requirements: Allwork shouldbesubmittedon theStudentPortalalongwithan acceptableTurnitin Report WordLimit: Task2:2,000words(with10%plusorminusleeway) Deadlinedatefor submission:   CourseworkDeadline:Wednesday,5December2014 Learningoutcomesto beexaminedin this assessment 1.  Demonstratetheabilitytoanalysethefactorsaffectingthe presentsizeandstructureof thecurrentoilandgasretail sectorsandtheimpactof therisingpriceof oil.   2. Evaluatethepotentialoftechnologicalchangeon theenergy retailingindustryinthenextdecade. Percentageofmarks awardedformodule: Thepresentationisworth20%of thetotalmarksforthemodule.   Thereflectivereportisworth30%ofthetotalmarksforthemodule. Assessmentcriteria Explanatorycommentsonthe assessmentcriteria Maximummarksfor …

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Tax Incentives Strategies

Instructions   locate at least three real world examples of the various tax incentive strategies that public agencies use. Describe how the incentives function within the community they are in and how effective each incentive has been in helping to create jobs, bring in money, and aid in economic development of the community. Discuss the …

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Education Policy Research Report

Instructions   At the end of the semester, students will synthesize and summarize the materials collected to write a 4-5 page final research report that answers the following topics/questions: Write a summary of your policy issue that includes the policy or policy issue. (5pts) How are stakeholders affected by this issue? In other words, what …

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Importance of Understanding Enzyme’s Structure, Function and Regulation in Modern Drug Discovery

Importance of Understanding Enzyme’s Structure, Function and Regulation in Modern Drug Discovery A Recent trend in medicine has been marked by the development of molecular science. Copeland explains that special interests have been directed in targeting particular macromolecules that are associated with a disease or has pathogenic bioactivity1. Enzymes are some of the prevalent biomolecules …

Importance of Understanding Enzyme’s Structure, Function and Regulation in Modern Drug Discovery Read More »

Case Analysis

Case Analysis Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Healthcare Business Ethics refers to standards and principles of conduct in an organization that is acceptable to the society. According to Brandao et al. (2013), business ethics is contained in the aspect of social responsibility of an organization. Social responsibility concerns with the involvement of an organization …

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The effects of Religion on an individual’s level of happiness and well-being through the lifespan

  School of Psychology, early years & therapeutic studies ethics Approval Form   Name:  Click here to enter text.     Project/Research Title:   The effects of Religion on an individual’s level of happiness and well-being through the lifespan Name of Supervisor:Click here to enter text.     Summary of planned research Indicate the purpose …

The effects of Religion on an individual’s level of happiness and well-being through the lifespan Read More »