Assessment 3




  Course Code:




Course Name     English studies 2
Instructions This assignment parts:

·         500-word problem-solution essay; 90% (CLO2-80%- and 5-10%)


Percentage of final grade 20%




CLOs Tested Weight
CLO 2: Write and edit an extended academic essay with a minimum of 500 words. 80%
CLO 5: Paraphrase a variety of sources using correct APA citing. 20%





Part 1: PROBLEM – SOLUTION ESSAY (CLOs 2 and 5; 90%)


For this assignment you will need to write a 4-paragrah problem-solution essay. Below are the guidelines:

  1. Choose a disaster
  2. Find at least THREE sources about the disaster. The sources can be a newspaper article, a reliable website (not a blog, Wikipedia etc.), or a journal article.
  3. Read the source and take notes of important information that you plan to use in your essay.
  4. Use the suggested essay structure below to help you organise your ideas.
  5. Check that you have used in-text citations.
  6. At the end of your summary write a complete citation of the source following the APA guidelines (CLO5)
  7. For the marking guide line see Table 1 below


Use the suggested essay structure below to help you with essay planning.


  1. Introduction (Introduce the disaster)
  • Thesis statement:
  1. Body 1 (problems surrounding the disaster)
  • Topic sentence 1:
    • Detail 1:
    • Detail 2:
    • Detail 3:
  • Concluding sentence:
  1. Body 2: (possible solutions to the problems above)
  • Topic sentence 2
  • Detail 1:
  • Detail 2:
  • Detail 3:
  • Concluding sentence
  1. Conclusion:
    • Summary:
    • Suggestion:
  2. References:



Word limit 

Written assignments and projects must not exceed the word count of 500 word for the essay indicated above.




  1. Essay: Your assignment MUSTbe in a Word document (Microsoft Word).



Include in-text citation and the reference list with the sources for all materials cited in this assignment. This list must follow the APA style referencing, and you should have carefully proofread it to make certain that the style is followed consistently.


Table 1: Assignment 3 Part 1 (essay) rubric (CLO2 and 5, 90%)  

Total: 90%(CLO2: 80% and CLO5: 10%)

Criteria Inadequate=D

(Below Standard)=5


(Meets Standard)=10

Above Average=B

(Exceeds Standard)=15


(Far Exceeds Standard)=20

CLO 2/ Organization (20) ·         The text is extremely difficult to follow.

·         Little attempt made to organise the work into paragraphs; paragraphing often missing or consists of unconnected information.

·         Errors with or omissions of cohesive devices often impede communication.

·         Sample may be too limited to effectively evaluate.


·         The text is generally readable but may be difficult to follow at times.

·         Generally effective essay-level organisation, though some parts of the text may lose coherence.

·         Paragraphs lack clear controlling ideas at times; information is usually arranged logically, but inappropriate ordering of ideas and/or sentences may distract the reader at times.

·         Cohesive devices are used effectively at times; may be over/under used and contain errors; errors may occasionally cause strain to the reader.

·         The text can generally be followed with ease.

·         Effective and coherent essay-level organisation.

·         Paragraphs have clear controlling ideas; supporting information is related to controlling ideas and logically arranged with only minor slips.

·         A range of cohesive devices is used effectively; some minor inaccuracies may occur.

·         The text can be followed with ease throughout.

·         Highly effective and coherent essay level organisation.

·         All paragraphs develop clear controlling ideas with full topic unity, and all supporting information is logically arranged.

·         A wide range of cohesive devices is used almost without error

CLO 2/ Content (20) ·         Problems/ solutions cannot be identified.

·         Almost no main ideas present and/or largely irrelevant to the task; almost no supporting evidence or examples present.

·         Demonstrates almost no understanding of central topic.

·         The response addresses only some parts of the task requirements

·         Problems and solutions are provided but may lack clarity and/or consistency through the essay.

·         Main ideas are mostly relevant; supporting evidence and/or examples present, but some may be underdeveloped or lack relevance.

·         Demonstrates understanding of central topic, but with some gaps.

·         The response adequately addresses all requirements of the task

·         Problems and solutions are clear and sustained throughout the response.

·         Main ideas are relevant and well developed throughout; supporting evidence and/or examples provided with full relevancy and adequate development throughout.

·         Demonstrates a clear understanding of central topic; engagement with different perspectives and/or ambiguities.

·         The response addresses all requirements of the task

·         Problems and solutions are clear and critically presented throughout the response.

·         Main ideas are skillfully selected and fully developed throughout with relevant supporting evidence and examples.

·         Demonstrates a clear and critical understanding of central topic; critically engages with different perspectives and/or ambiguities.

CLO 2/ Grammar&  Mechanics (20) ·         Some basic grammar is produced, but complete sentences are rarely correct.

·         Virtually no control over punctuation and/or capitalisation.

·         Sample may be too limited to evaluate effectively

·         Simple sentences are often correctly formed; complex sentences are attempted, but are almost always inaccurate; run-ons and/or comma splices and/or fragments are frequent.

·         Grammatical errors cause reading difficulties and at times obscure meaning.

·         Errors in punctuation and/or capitalisation occur, and may sometimes impede communication

·         A good range of sentence types are present; both simple and more complex sentences are used with control but errors sometimes occur.

·         Minor grammatical errors are still present but do not cause reading difficulties.

·         A range of punctuation types are used competently; only minor errors with punctuation and/or capitalisation occur.

·         Uses a flexible and varied range of sentence structures and grammatical structures with control.

·         Grammatical errors are extremely rare.

·         A range of punctuation types are used skillfully and with control; minor errors with punctuation and/or capitalisation may occur but are rare.

CLO 2/ Vocabulary  (20) ·         Almost no attempt is made to write in an appropriate register and style.

·         Vocabulary is inadequate for the task; word choice errors appear in every sentence and often prevent communication.

·         Word form and/or spelling errors appear in nearly every sentence and often prevent communication

·         Some effort has been made to write in an appropriate register and style, but is not generally successful.

·         Vocabulary is sufficient for the task; word choice may be repetitive; errors occur and may sometimes impede communication.

·         Errors in word forms and spelling frequently occur, but generally do not impede communication.

·         Register and style are almost always appropriate.

·         Word choice is varied and generally accurate, but not always precise; some successful use of collocation.

·         Word forms and spelling are generally accurate.

·         Register and style are appropriate throughout.

·         Word choice is precise, varied and accurate; appropriate use of collocation though occasional minor errors may occur.

·         Word forms and spelling are almost always accurate; errors never detract from meaning

CLO 5/ APA citation (10) ·         Entirely unsuccessful or no attempt to incorporate information and ideas from sources in the work; paraphrasing/quotation not attempted or entirely inadequate across the work.

·         Reference list is missing and minimal attempt at in-text citation; attribution is unclear.

·         No attempt at using introductory phrases and/or reporting verbs.

·         Attempts to incorporate some information and ideas from sources in the work; attempts at paraphrase / quotation are made but significant patches may be inadequately paraphrased or copied.

·         Reference list is present but items are missing; in-text citations are present but frequently incorrect or inconsistent; attribution is often unclear.

·         No successful attempt at using introductory phrases and/or reporting verbs.

·         Information and ideas from sources are incorporated reasonably effectively into the work; mostly successful attempts at paraphrase / quotation.

·         Reference list and in-text citations are present and generally functional though occasional discrepancies may occur; format errors may occur.

·         Both integral and non-integral citation forms are included; introductory phrases and/or reporting verbs are generally used appropriately, though errors occur.

·         Information and ideas from sources are incorporated and synthesised seamlessly into the work; precise and skillful use of paraphrase / quotation.

·         Reference list and in-text citations are functional and demonstrate control of all aspects of attribution, including more advanced features; rare minor format errors may occur.

·         Both integral and non-integral citation forms are included; a wide variety of introductory phrases and/or reporting verbs are used accurately and with precision to convey precise meaning.


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