Instructions and Article are included. Write a 5 page critic on the Article provided about Black Lives Matter in Kate Turabian Style, Times New Roman, !2 Font, Doublespaced. Please follow the instructions carefully. Thank
I put the instructions under “additional materials”
There is a website called I think it might help you.
The song I would like you to do is “Mr. Rager” by Kid Cudi
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Due: Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 11:00am [submit via LEARN]
Your first paper will consist of a deep, critical, Sociological, and analytical discussion of a single song [most preferably, one that is well-known and part of what we would consider to be popular music] and its potential or actual use / utility in the pursuit of social change. This can be a contemporary or recent song, but must at least be “modern” and “popular” [not classical, not so niche that it is unknown to most in the public; think within the last decade or two]. You will also present your work in a “roundtable” format to a random group of your classmates. You must prepare a semi-formal presentation to fill 10 minutes of time, and be prepared to answer questions [and ask questions] following. You may use your own laptop/tablet for visuals in presenting purposes, but I suggest not relying on PowerPoint in this particular format. You will complete a short assessment of each group member’s presentation/discussion, which will be included in your and their grade.
This paper should consist of the following discussions: An analytic introduction of the paper to follow
Discussion of relevant Sociological theory from course readings and beyond [Sociological edited volumes or monographs, peer-reviewed Sociological journal articles, etc.]
Sociological Discussion of the Artist [biography, history, engagement, where song fits into oeuvre, etc.]. You may include journalism in this section as well for source material.
Sociological Discussion of the song itself, lyrical & musical content, and analysis of the song’s meaning, commercial impact [sales, radio, etc.]. Think of the song as both an “object” and an “activity.” Use ideas from the theory at the front end of the course to help discuss the various elements of the song’s construction, reception, experience, and communicative power. You may include journalism and/or music criticism in this section for source material.
Discussion of how the song has been used [or potentially could be used] in the pursuit of social change around a given issue, for a particular movement, to influence culture, etc.
Discussion of this work in relation to similar works [situate the song within a genre, a historical period with a given social/political/economic/cultural context, etc.]
Overall analytic discussion: what do the above contribute to the overall discussion of the relationship to popular music and social change, processes, communities, etc. Connect your review of Sociological theory of pop culture / music / etc. to your “data” regarding the song and artist.
Formatting Requirements
10 full pages [not partial pages] minimum. Double-spaced. Page Numbers. 12 pt. Times New Roman or Cambria font.
1” margins on all sides [this is not an MSWord default, so change them].
No excessive headers or empty space [no extra returns between paragraphs]. Works Cited Page [not included in page count] and in-text citations in ASA Format.