Argumentative Essay

∙ treats people in proportion to their relative differences
∙ does not violate individual rights
∙ serves to protect the fair order of a nation or state
∙ improves the situation of everyone, especially the least advantaged. [367]

If you believe that the ad in question meets a majority of these criteria, the ad is just—in other words, X is a Y. If the ad meets only one of the four criteria, it is an unjust ad—X is not a Y. If it meets two of the four criteria, it is a wash, unless you wish to emphasize a criterion. If you do not use attribution, signal phrases, or tags and current MLA style for in-text citation, paraphrases, or quotation, including a list of works cited in current MLA style, you must accept a zero for this assignment.
The instructor will show students in class how to cite the entry noted above from The Blackwell Dictionary. For more details on definition argument, see “Chapter 41: Defining” in The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings and Handbook [Bullock 432−442], the text common to all English II sections.

Three pages [each 8.5 by 11 inches] or approximately seventy-eight lines plus a list of works cited, all
double-spaced in current Modern Language Association style in 11-point font, with 1-in. margins, stapled in the upper left corner.


The completed rough draft is due on the date noted above for instructor review, which is nonmandatory.  Grading is the same as explained on the assignment sheet for the last paper except that for each line of prose over three pages, one point is deducted. Accordingly, an A is 100‒84, a B 83–59, C 58−34, and D 33−8 . . . .

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