
Pretend you’re an alien (or simply a person that’s not ‘American’) and write up a cultural anthropological study of some aspect of American culture.
First: Read that document. *Spoiler alert: he’s talking about Americans*
Second: Write up a research report using the premise above. Don’t be farcical about this—it’s not meant to be pretend—this is an exercise to try to get you outside of your insider knowledge and cultural biases in a way that will look at this topic (somewhat) as an ‘outsider.’ Yes, this is basically a ‘creative writing’ paper, but one based upon the principles of participant observation and cultural anthropology. Examine the practices and seek to find the meaning behind them (a la Clifford Geertz).


Cultural Anthropology often uses 1st person observation (participant observation) as a way to learn the ways of a culture, and potentially, the meaning behind them.  This research paper will apply the skills of a cultural anthropologist to observe a facet of ‘American’ culture in a manner similar to that of Miner’s “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” (in research papers folder).  In other words, pretend you’re an alien (or simply a person that’s not ‘American’) and write up a cultural anthropological study of some aspect of American culture.

First:  Read that document.  *Spoiler alert: he’s talking about Americans*  (Yes, it is a dated example, and there are some liberties taken with it, but it’s an interesting example of how we can ‘interpret’ cultural acts.  You can also look up some graphic examples (below) to get a feel.

Second:  Write up a research report using the premise above.  Don’t be farcical about this—it’s not meant to be pretend—this is an exercise to try to get you outside of your insider knowledge and cultural biases in a way that will look at this topic (somewhat) as an ‘outsider.’  Yes, this is basically a ‘creative writing’ paper, but one based upon the principles of participant observation and cultural anthropology.  Examine the practices and seek to find the meaning behind them (a la Clifford Geertz).



Your term paper should be three (full) to five (full) pages typed with one inch margins.  Papers must be typed and double-spaced.  You should use only 12 point type in Times New Roman font.

Your paper should be written carefully with attention to the subject matter, style, spelling, and punctuation.  Papers are expected to be clear and coherent, of college-level quality.  Your paper should be grammatically correct and free of typographical errors. Use your spell check program, your grammar check program, and even a dictionary!

IF you include any outside research, you should Remember to consult a variety of sources so that you are not unduly influenced by a single author’s opinions.  Tertiary sources such as encyclopedias (online or text), websites like sparknotes, WIKIPEDIA,, yahooanswers, suite101,, and the like, as well as your textbook DO NOT count as sources, and SHOULD NOT be used as resources.  In fact, you really shouldn’t be using “.coms” at all, but should be using peer-reviewed, or educationally-oriented websites (.orgs/.edus).  If you are not familiar with the classifications of sources, look in the “assistance” section or ask questions!  You need to include a bibliography with your paper.

Other Helpful Reminders:

  • Follow ALL instructions
  • Proofread/spell check/grammar check
  • Avoid passive verbs (is, are, was, were, to be, being)
  • 1st person can be fine for this paper, although 3rd person is preferred
  • Cite using the standard of the American Anthropological Association (IF citing). (If Necessary)
  • If you have no citations, it implies that it is ALL your original thought, and that’s not the case here…cite your sources.
  • Include a bibliography (works cited AND consulted)

**The paper will need to be submitted via the “Research Papers” page (as an attachment) feature on Blackboard.  It needs to have your NAME in the file’s name (example:  spanbauersethnographypaper.doc  NOT ethnopaper.doc) .  If I am unable to open your document for ANY reason, you will lose points (see syllabus).

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