1-It should contain references with links to the websites from which the citation was taken.
2-The citation must be paraphrased.
3-Related to the student’s major & linked to the theme.
4- The theme is Automation & Artificial Intelligence.
5- My major is mechanical engineering.
6- APA 7 referencing.
7- Report should contain 8 citations.
8- It should contain 1600 into 1700 words.
9- The report should have: INTRO, Background, Body, Development, Conclusion.
10- The topic should talk about the use of artificial intelligence in medical devices and in modern medicine.
11- Send me all the sources you find before the specified period ends.
12- You should write the report in your own way without copying to avoid plagiarism.
13- The topic should not be too general, it should talk about something specific.
14- Do not take quotes from sites that :
• without authors.
• without dates.
• by questionable authors.
• by questionable organisations.
• in questionable publications.
• that are out-dated.
• written in informal language.
• that are biased.