Case Study 2: Job Development

Kayla is a 16-year-old young person with a disability who is completing her junior year of high school. Her transition team has gathered to talk with Kayla about potential summer work experience. Kayla and her parents appear to be very excited at this opportunity, as she plans to graduate next year and is unsure about future career goals. You have recently transferred to a new rehabilitation agency and have been assigned to work with Kayla. Using the below background information regarding Kayla, please answer the following questions about how you would best assist her and her transition team with finding a summer work experience.

Background information:

Kayla has a visual impairment as a result of a congenital eye disease and is considered to be legally blind. Additionally, she also has been diagnosed with a learning disability which causes her to have difficulty with reading and math. Her IEP reveals that she is able to read large print and knows how to use a variety of assistive devices including a laptop with screen enlargement, scanning software with optimal character recognition, a smart pen, calculator, magnifier, and a white cane. Her IEP also indicates that with accommodations and natural supports Kayla participates in all regular education classes. Despite her disabilities, she maintains average to above average grades in school and especially enjoys her business and science classes.  Kayla has also indicated that her hobbies include going to the mall with her friends, baking, and listening to music. She recently hosted a bake sale with three of her friends to raise money for an upcoming class trip. She also indicates that she enjoys playing with her two dogs and assisting her father with his three horses.   She has expressed some interest in attending college, but she is uncertain of her career path.

  1. What are two potential jobs that Kayla might be able to participate in during the summer to gain work experience? Please explain why you chose these jobs.
  2. What job carving strategy from Chapter 14 in the textbook might you use when working with Kayla. Please explain why you chose this strategy.
  3. Using the Job Accommodations Network (JAN), please describe three accommodations you might suggest for Kayla’s employer to best support her. Please explain why you chose these accommodations.


Important Note:

Please remember to receive full credit for this assignment papers should be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, typed with a 12-point font, with your name as the page heading, and a title (no title pages). This assignment should be written in “APA” style meaning that the sentences and paragraphs should be well written and constructed (including appropriate transitions), the paper is well organized, coherent, and focused; spelling, punctuation, and grammar has been checked carefully before submittal.

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