Scenario Paper 4

The goal of scenario papers is to make you think of how to conduct policy analysis and evaluation. You will be introduced to a problem and you will be asked to engage in problem definition, to propose alternative responses to the problem, to create criteria for analyzing each alternative, to project the outcome of each policy alternative, to identify and analyze trade-offs between alternatives, and to report findings and make an argument for what you deem the best alternative.

Please remember, these assignments are not simple opinion pieces. I am asking that you find data, facts, and the opinions of experts who can help you craft your argument.

Please use the steps found on page 116 of Mintrom to help assist you in the general layout of this assignment.

Please include a Title Page & Table of Contents.

The Scenario: During times of disaster, emergency management organizations often times ask members of a community to evacuate. We are oftentimes left scratching our heads as we see people willingly stay behind during these catastrophic events. However, what happens to the people who would be willing to evacuate but are unable to due to physical or mental disability? For this scenario, how would you craft a plan for Carroll County (or any other) to help evacuate these individuals to safety during times of crisis?

(Note: You should become familiar with the current emergency management plan for Carroll County, Georgia.)

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