DB 11Step 1: Read Judy Maloof, “Women and the Cuban Revolution,” in: Voices of Resistance: Testimonies of Cuban and Chilean Women (University Press of Kentucky, 1999), 21–40. (20 pages)

Step 2: Watch The Stream #NiUnaMenos: Tackling femicide in Latin

Video here–

Step 3:Answer this question– There are two different yet connected topics in the readings: activism and national sovereignty.

How can civil society combat systematic oppression if these same oppressions are part of the construction of the nation?

DB 12Step 1: Read Vanessa Rubio, “Today’s Latin America Has No Female Presidents. It’s Not Going Well.” Americas Quarterly, April 2021.

Reading here–

Step 2: Read Patricio Navia and Lucas Perelló, “Xiomara Castro’s Historic Win: What Happens Next?,” Americas Quarterly, November 2021

Reading here–

Step 3: Read Gloria Anzaldúa, “To live in the Borderlands means you,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies , 1996, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1996), 4-5 (2 pages)

Step 4: Read bell hooks, “A Revolution of Values: The Promise of Multi-Cultural Change” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Spring, 1993, Vol. 26, No. 1, Cultural Diversity (Spring, 1993), 4-11 (8 pages)

Step 5: Answer this question– In some big cities in the United States (including NYC) women have closed the gender salary gap and are earning as much as their male counterparts. What is the current context of women in politics in Latin America? Can representation close all gender gaps?


DB 13Step 1: Read Toni Morrisson, “The Foreigner’s Home,” The Origin of Others (10 pages)

Step 2:  Read Stephania Taladrid, “The Continued Calamity at the Border,” The New Yorker

Step 3: Read María Inés Taracena, “Biden’s Wall,” El

Reading here– Faro

Step 4: Watch the short video “Best of Luck With the Wall”

Video here–

Step 5: Watch the short video “A Line Birds Cannot See”

Video here–

Step 6: Answer this question -Some immigrant mothers face a dilemma: they leave their kids behind to support them. How does this idea connects with the readings and movies you have watched this week and in the previous ones?You can write this in the first person, as an Op-Ed.


DB 14Step 1: Carmen Maria Machado, “The Husband Stitch,” in: Her Body and Other Parties (Graywolf Press, 2017). (15 pages)

Step 2: Rigoberta Menchu, “Women and Political Commitment. Rigoberta Renounces Marriage and Motherhood,” in: I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, (Verso, 1983). (8 pages)

Step 3: Answer this question– This is a two-step post.After an entire semester of looking at primary sources (original documents) and secondary sources which aim to analyze historical events, this week you read literature.

First, answer: what do you think are the main differences between academic readings and this week’s readings? Finally, which one of the readings was your favorite? Why?


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