Criminal Justice

Incorporate a budget of $2 million in grant funding into your non-profit organization’s strategic planning, and then choose among the following situations where a plan needs to be developed, funded, and implemented with the specific costs addressed:

A drug court diversion program focused on getting people treatment versus incarceration in state prison.

A domestic violence program through the criminal court that seeks to provide classes/courses to divert people away from violence and a period of jail for domestic violence-related crimes.

A program for victims of human trafficking who now need assistance in the criminal court from being incarcerated and who need assistance with placement and protection from organized criminal groups.
A family law program that seeks to educate parents accused of abuse/neglect and to provide courses/classes before they can be reunited with their child(ren).

Organize and provide an abstract summary proposal as to how you would allocate any budget funding awarded to your plan and describe the specific basis for budget allocation in your plan. Be specific as possible and use as much of the grant amount to support your program.

For example, you could choose the topic of drug use and incarceration in your state and provide a summary of a potential program you are considering and what it would take in terms of costs to implement a drug diversion program and to track if it is successful for participants. Also, consider which organizations either in law enforcement or the court system should be partnered with your non-profit in leading and/or determining who gets to participate in such a program offered by your organization.

Be sure to incorporate and place a special focus on the following:

Identify the scope of your strategic plan in terms of who would be in charge of its implementation.
Determine what would be the criteria for people to be in your program as participants.

Discuss what type of budget you would need and the cost of requirements necessary for your strategic plan (this requires research as to the average costs in your state location for salaried criminal justice-related personnel, transportation, educational programs as well any other related costs such as computer, equipment, commercial space to implement a program).

Determine what system you would put in place to measure if your program is working effectively.

Use this checklist for your budget:

Research costs in your state for:
salaried criminal justice personnel including social workers and mental health counselors
educational programs
mental health and/or substance abuse programs
equipment costs

Ensure you have citations for where you obtained information from your research as to these costs as you discussed these costs.

Double-Check that you have allocated the use of the entire $2 million grant amount in this scenario.

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