Strawberry and Chocolate: Crisis of Identity in Post-Revolutionary Cuba’s Imagine Community

Please write 6 FULL pages about the film strawberry and chocolate (1993). The instructions and guidelines are in the attached. Feel free to contact me if you need any help. Here is a link to the movie if you don’t have access to it.

Another sample thesis is ” This essay will compare and contrast two characters from the film Strawberry and Chocolate; Diego, a Cuban gay man outside of the periphery of power, and David, a Cuban communist who defines himself as a follower of Marx’s “Dialectical Materialism”. The roles that Diego and David play explore the concept of what it means to not have a voice and to not have representation in an Imagined Community such as that of communist Cuba. Furthermore, this essay will prove that by not having a voice or representation, resistance occurs through Popular Culture.”
Note: if you decide to use this thesis, do not forget to also include it in your theoretical frame (2nd paragraph) Karls Marx’s concept of Dialectical Materialism.

Spanish 160D Essay #3 Prompt:


Using the Cuban film Fresa y Chocolate:


1- What is the role that the character Diego, from Fresa y Chocolate, plays in a socialist society such as Cuba? Please reference the reading Gender Performance by Judith Butler and Michael Foucault’s Power and Discourse in your analysis.


Essay parameters:


  • Make sure that you follow MLA in writing your name, your professor’s name, class and date.
  • Last name and page number as per MLA (top right-hand corner)
  • Your title should be a long tile, not a one, two, three or a four-word title. 4- You should have an introduction to your chosen thesis as your first


5- Your thesis should be underlined and at the end of the first paragraph. 6- Your second paragraph should be a paragraph where you define the theory

you are using.

  • The rest of your body paragraphs should be about finding examples and analyzing
  • Your last paragraph should be your
  • You must have 3 full pages in your essay, and a 4th page with your
  • Your essay must have at least 3 citations/quotes from the articles read in

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