Analytical essay for Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

Instructions for Paper #3

You must write this paper about Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues.”

Your paper is due by 11:59 PM, Monday, April 18, 2021. Turn your paper in via BlackBoard.

Write a paper at least 750 words long that discusses discusses language and setting. (Note: 750 words is the minimum requirement. You can write more. Many, if not most, students are very likely to write more than the minimum.)

Note that your paper must be in MLA format. If you need a refresher on MLA format, use one of the following resources:


  • Meet with an onine ACC tutor

Your paper must include the following parts:

  • Proper MLA page format and header
  • A descriptive title
  • An introductory This paragraph should briefly summarize the story and introduce the points you intend to write about. Make sure you explicitly state what you think the main idea is. Provide evidence, especially in terms of change-point  analysis  or  analysis  of  the  type of story.
  • A discussion of the author’s use of language in the story you have For

each major point you make, you must provide evidence in the form of citations (quotes) from the story. These citations must have MLA-style page references. In this section of the paper, answer these questions:

  • How does the author use diction in the story? What are some examples

of his use of connotation?

  • How does the author use imagery in the story? What are some examples of his use of figurative imagery?
  • What are some examples of the author’s use of symbolism?
  • What are some examples of the author’s use of irony?


  • How does the author use diction, imagery, symbolism, and irony to support or develop the main idea?
  • A discussion of how setting is used in the story. For each major point you make, you must provide evidence in the form of citations (quotes) from the These citations must have MLA-style page references. In this section of the paper, answer these questions:
    • Where is the story set? Is this setting specific or general?
    • Based on evidence from the story, what physical, emotional, economic, political, social and psychological environments do the characters inhabit?
    • How is setting used to develop the main idea in the story?
  • You should provide at least six quotations to back up your Most of these will be from the story, but at least two must be from critical articles or books about the story that you looked up at the ACC Library.
  • A Your conclusion should summarize the arguments you have

made in your paper.

  • A “Works Cited”

Grading Rubric

If paper does not meet minimum length requirements, has serious formatting problems, or an excessive number of writing errors, I will return it without a grade for revision by the next class period. Papers not turned in and substantially revised by the next class period will be given a grade of zero. I strongly suggest you work with a writing tutor in the ACCelerator or a fellow student to check and edit your paper before you turn it in.

If the paper is not on topic, I will return it without a grade for a rewrite by the next class period. Papers not turned in and substantially rewritten by the next class period will be given a grade of zero.


Correct use of MLA format 10%
Style, editing, proofing (Papers that contain more than seven spelling, grammatical or other errors per

page may be given a failing grade.)

Language discussion (completeness,

clarity, documentation)

Setting (completeness, clarity,


Paper completeness (are all the required

parts of the paper there?)




Late Policy, Revisions

Late papers lose 10 points a day until they are turned in. After seven days, I will assign a grade of zero to the paper.

You may do one revision of a for a better grade this semester. Email me the new paper and a copy of the comments I made on the original paper when I graded it.

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