Final Coursework

Final Coursework

The applicability of this course is indispensable. There are various concepts that I have come to terms during the study of this course that have immense importance in daily lives. For instance, I have been able to identify and plan per economic forces that shape lives. Consequently, I have had a mastery of the world that has helped me gain self-confidence. Moreover, this course has set out a channel of improving social changes. Through the study if this course, I have been able to perceive things such as taxation and social problems with a sense of originality. Understanding of the social problems as has been laid by this course can help to promote and achieve social change. This course has also been pertinent in enabling a person to understand the world. For instance, one can understand situations such as traffic conditions, famines and depressions.

Discussions during the study of this course were most educational and interesting. During discussion sessions, I had the chance to interact and boost on my argumentative skills and insightful specialist knowledge (Mearman, Papa & Webber, 2014). The importance of such skills cannot be overemphasized in daily lives. Besides, the discussions created an excellent platform for improving interpersonal skills that are indispensable in daily lives. Moreover, some of the simulations during the course were critical in imparting a sense of practicability of the course eliminating excessive theorization.

However, there are various drawbacks of the course that need to be reviewed and improved on with an exception of the awesome professor who took us through this course. For instance, I believe that there should be more holistic simulations exploited during this course. According to Sutcliffe (2002), such simulations will improve the skills of economic of the students and help them to be above par compared to peers. More simulations will also contribute to improving the student’s self-confidence as they will help to improve on their economic skills experiences.











Mearman, A., Papa, A., & Webber, D. (2014). Why do students study economics?. Economic Issues19(Part 1).

Sutcliffe, M. (2002). Simulations, games and role-play. The handbook for economics lecturers. Bristol: The Higher Education Academy. The Economics Network.[Online, last accessed July 12, 2013].< http://www. economicsnetwork. ac. uk/handbook/games.

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