The effects of Religion on an individual’s level of happiness and well-being through the lifespan


School of Psychology, early years & therapeutic studies ethics Approval Form


Name:  Click here to enter text.



Project/Research Title:


The effects of Religion on an individual’s level of happiness and well-being through the lifespan

Name of Supervisor:Click here to enter text.



Summary of planned research

Indicate the purpose of your planned project/research, your aims, main research question and research design.




·      To determine whether religion affects an individual’s life satisfaction

·      To determine whether religion affects an individual’s well-being

·      To determine how religion influences happiness and well-being

·      To determine how does happiness and well-being vary with religion (

·      To determine how the interrelation of religion and happiness varies with time

·      To determine how interrelation of religion and well-being, if present, varies with time

Hypothesis Statement

Religious people tend to be more happier than non-religious people



Give a detailed account of the methodology you propose to use including instruments and procedure.



The study will use questionnaire to evaluate the various factors of interest. The questionnaires will be distributed randomly to the public and several churches. Religiosity will be measured using the likert scale. The study also involves measuring the role of the mass on the life of an individual. The role of the public will be determined using two aspects: emotional and cognitive ( Graham & Crown, 2014). Cognitive aspect measurement will be used to evaluate the role of the public in personal issues. The emotional aspect will evaluate the various emotions felt during services.

Evaluation of well-being will be done using life satisfaction scale. Life satisfaction will be determined using life scale. This evaluation will give subjective well-being of a person( Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985 cited in  Van Cappellen, 2014). Happiness will be determined using a likert scale.



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My participants are:

Early years/Pre-School children


School age children


Young people aged 17-18


Vulnerable people




Unknown at this stage



Give details of participants in this box (selection; recruitment etc).

The participants will vary in age to determine the changes in the variables of the study with age. Participants will be randomly selected with several questionnaires distributed to churches. This mode of distribution is because response of both religious and non-religious individuals is required. Individuals will be encouraged to respond to questionnaires through mediators such as church leaders. Individuals given questionnaires outside churches will be sent messages to encourage them to offer their response.




Do you have Criminal Records Bureau clearance? Tick the relevant boxes.



Yes, I have attached a copy of my CRB clearance certificate



No, I need to apply for one*


  Not applicable for this research

I have applied for a CRB certificate*


Application date: Click here to enter text.
*You must submit a copy of your CRB clearance certificate to the ethics panel before you commence data collection.



Consider each of the ethical issues below. Details of the ‘Code of Human Research Ethics’ and the ‘Code of Ethics and Conduct’ are available on the course Blackboard site or from You should read both these documents before completing this aspect of the form. Failure to address all of these issues fully may result in ethical consent being declined.



The benefits resulting from the participation in the research will be indicated in the questionnaire. The debriefing will incorporate benefits the response will have to the researcher and the community ( Amdur & Bankert, 2010).




Valid consent:

The research will ensure consent using an informative text in every questionnaire to create awareness. The text will inform the participants how the information will be used.







The questionnaires will ensure anonymity. Participants will not be required to indicate their identities in the questionnaires.



Giving advice:

Structural constraints during the research will be eliminated to allow for the exchange of information. Useful information acquired during the research will be disseminated to the community.





The questionnaire will have an informative text indicating how their responses will be used. The reason for the research and its consequential use will also be indicated to avoid incidences of deception.







The debriefing will be included in the informative text in the questionnaire.






Student: I have checked this form and believe that all the necessary information has been given


Type Name:  Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter text.



Double click on the relevant box and select ‘CHECK’ then ‘OK’.


Use this form as part of the review process for undergraduate ethics application. Indicate, by ticking the appropriate boxes, whether each element has been completed satisfactorily.


Summary and methodology Areas requiring work
Has the rationale for the research been adequately expressed? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Are the methods clearly explained? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Risk Areas requiring work
Have all the risks been identified by the student (e.g. vulnerable participants; sensitive topics or illegal activities; procedures that cause stress/anxiety/

humiliation; deception; labeling; risks to the researcher)?

Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Are adequate protocols in place for dealing with all risks? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Informed consent       Areas requiring work
Does the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable or unable to give informed consent (e.g. children under 16, people with learning disabilities)? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Are good ethical procedures in place for gaining consent (e.g. consent from children as well as adults where appropriate; avoiding possible coercion; renewal of consent)? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
If applicable, do they have an up-to-date Criminal Records Bureau Check? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
If applicable, are they aware of how to respond if they have concerns about the child/young person in relation to safeguarding? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Confidentiality       Areas requiring work
Is the student aware of the confidentiality and anonymity issues their project raises? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Do they have procedures for dealing with data securely? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Where research involves children/ young people /illegal activity have they informed participants of the limits of confidentiality? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Giving advice       Areas requiring work
Has the students considered when participants might ask for advice? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Have they devised a plan for dealing with these questions? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
If applicable, has the student identified where they might gain evidence that the participant has a psychological or physical problem which they are currently unaware of? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
If applicable, has the student prepared a protocol to deal with this risk? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Deception       Areas requiring work
Have they explained the need for any deception? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Have they considered whether revealing deception is likely to cause any discomfort/anger from participants? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Have they put a protocol in place for dealing with this which protects the dignity and autonomy of participants? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Debrief       Areas requiring work
Do they have a clear idea of the information required at debrief? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Do they have plans in place for participants to retrospectively withdraw after debrief? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.
Where providing a description of the nature of the investigation is not sufficient to eliminate all possible harmful effects have they devised additional protocols (e.g. induce happy mood)? Yes No N/A Click here to enter text.

Supervisor: I have checked this form and my recommendation is:



Approved: supervisor to submit to Dissertation coordinator


Referred to School Ethics and Professional Practice Panel: supervisor tick this box if application also requires forwarding to Ethics panel (supervisors please note that research with vulnerable participants can be approved by the supervisor “if the researcher can confirm that they are abiding by the established protocol and that this is appropriate for their research.” (ESRC).


Resubmit: work on the areas outlined above and resubmit to your supervisor


Other:  Click here to enter text.



Supervisors name:  Click here to enter text.  

Date: Click here to enter text.



Dissertation Coordinator: I have checked this form and my recommendation is:






Conditionally approved: subject to changes requested below (to be signed off by supervisor)


Click here to enter text.


Resubmit: work on the areas outlined below and resubmit to your supervisor who will forward to the dissertation coordinator


Click here to enter text.


Referred to School Ethics and Professional Practice Panel


Click here to enter text.


Other: Click here to enter text.







Conditionally approved: subject to changes requested below (to be signed off by supervisor)


Click here to enter text.


Resubmit: work on the areas outlined below and resubmit to your supervisor who will forward to the dissertation coordinator who will then refer to the panel


Click here to enter text.




Click here to enter text.



Signed: Click here to enter text.



Date: Click here to enter text.





Amdur, R. J., & Bankert, E. A. (2010). Institutional review board: Member handbook. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Graham, C., & Crown, S. (2014). Religion and Well-Being Around the World: Social Purpose, Social Time, or Social Insurance?. International Journal of Wellbeing4(1).

Van Cappellen, P., Toth-Gauthier, M., Saroglou, V., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2014). Religion and well-being: The mediating role of positive emotions.Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-21.

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