665- 10-2 Media Project Three: Where Do We Go From Here?

10-2 Media Project Three: Where Do We Go From Here?
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As we prepare to take the next step in our journey, let’s set the stage for where we are going next. Are you the leader your company needs? What do you need to work on to say “yes” to that question? How can you get there?

Share your thoughts in a video essay or voice recording. Justify your answer using both module resources as well as personal experiences. See the Module Four resources for guidance on how to create a video submission. See the Module Five optional resources for guidance on how to create a voice recording. You also have the option of submitting a voice recording or 1-page response paper in lieu of a video essay.

To complete this assignment, review the Media Project Three Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

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Rubric Name: COM 600 Media Project Three Rubric
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
Needs Improvement
Not Evident
Criterion Score
Goals and Past Experiences
40 points
Shares future goals and clearly connects how past experiences have shaped those goals
34 points
Shares future goals and past experiences but does not make a clear connection between the two
0 points
Does not share future goals or past experiences
Score of Goals and Past Experiences,/ 40Criterion score has been overridden
40 points
Provides a compelling argument as to whether or not pursuit is at the heart of a successful leader and communicator, using module resources to support ideas
34 points
Provides an argument as to whether or not pursuit is at the heart of a successful leader and communicator but does not use module resources to support ideas
0 points
Does not provide an argument as to whether or not pursuit is at the heart of a successful leader and communicator
Score of Pursuit,/ 40Criterion score has been overridden
Articulation of Response
20 points
Argument is clearly structured and contains precise articulation and pronunciation
17 points
Argument is somewhat structured with fairly clear articulation and pronunciation
0 points
Argument is not structured, words are slurred or have dropped consonants, and pronunciation is non-standard
Score of Articulation of Response,/ 20Criterion score has been overridden
Rubric Total Score
Score of COM 600 Media Project Three Rubric,/ 100Criterion score has been overridden
Overall Score
Overall Score
Points earned out of 100
86 points minimum
The overall submission earned 86 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook.

Points earned out of 100
1 point minimum
The overall submission earned 1 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook.
Points earned out of 100
0 points minimum
The overall submission earned 0 points or more. Final calculation of grades can be found in the gradebook.

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