Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)

Discussion 1 – What is Art?

After reading, watching and learning from the weekly class material, please post your definition of “WHAT IS ART” to the discussion board.

However, let’s establish right up front that a beautiful tree, or a lovely sunset is NOT art. That is what we call “Nature,” yet, any interpretation of these lovely things, whether a painting, sculpture, or drawing, would be considered art.
Keeping this in mind, give us a sense of your understanding of what art is, what it can be, and what might have surprised you in some of the things we learned about this week in terms of what art has been created and is even celebrated. Also, respond to two of your classmates’ understanding of what art is, and let’s see where this discussion will lead us.

CONSIDER THE LEARNING: is a urinal hanging from a wall art?
Okay, I am not crazy as you may think. Since you should have read and learned about the art of Marcel Duchamp, including the famous “Fountain,” you might have begun to think already that art is so much more than a painting on a wall.
Also, what was your first reaction to the “pile of candies,” and then again after you watched the video and learned more about the meaning of it.
Then go on and explore on your own. Select from your daily encounter with art, a particular work that holds a certain fascination for you. This can be a painting, drawing, sculpture, or public art work, as long as it is an original work, maybe something you have at home, you created or your mom painted.

Please don’t talk about your favorite poster of some Hollywood movie, or your favorite graphic design, as this falls under a different category of art, which we will study in Art 214.
Only examine what is generally called fine art, meaning a painting, a drawing, sculpture, ceramics, or public works, such as large scale sculptures, installations, etc.
Reflect on the content of the work and the artistic expression, a possible meaning, and why you consider the work art, and why you find the work worthy of talking about.

Again, don’t forget to engage with your peers by reading at least two posts and responding to these in a meaningful and engaged way. Not just “I agree” or “very cool,” but a conversational response that shows your having read and thought about what your classmates are writing. For example: Joanne, I loved your reflection on Candies for Ross. I had never thought of learning about a deeper meaning when I have seen art that made no sense to me. I just saw the candy as a colorful kind of sculpture…and then, wow, there was the story behind it. I also so enjoyed reading about your aunt’s drawing. I can see that you are attached to to the work, it is truly lovely from the way you talk about it and the connection it has to the emotion it evokes when you see it.
Be sure to read the rubric to understand how to earn maximum points.

Here is the rubric for interpreting your weekly score on the
Discussion Board:

Scores 9- 10

Varying degrees of great contributions that reflect a keen understanding of the material from the lectures and the reading as well as from every day interactions with art. Answers all the prompts in detail, including what you took from the reading, the videos and the additional material provided.
Writes more than the minimum 500 word required response, around 600-650 words.
Incorporates terms and definitions learned each week in class, such as ““painting, sculpture, stylized, conceptual, naturalistic,” etc.
Cites specific examples of art to illustrate the point of the discussion prompt.
Shows a true connection to art and artistic issues as every day viewing is brought into context with class learning in the post.
Engages with TWO peers in relevant and informed conversation.

Score 8-7

Addresses the issues briefly, but could have developed a more fuller response. Talks about the reading, the videos, but not in any detail, but rather broadly.
Writes 500 words to meet the minimum requirement.
Talks about general approaches and nothing specific to illustrate the understanding of the material
Uses few, but perhaps some, art-speak vocabulary and address some examples of real life viewing of art related to the material.
Fails to engage with TWO peers, or gives a one-liner response, such as “I like what you said, Joe. “

Score 6-5

Demonstrates a minimal display of addressing the discussion prompts.
Fails to use any art-speak or make reference to such terminology.
Uses no real examples of actual works of art to connect the learning to the seeing in theory.
Does not connect the real thing in daily life to the class material.
Fails to connect with peers at large.

Score 4-0

Fails to discuss the issues as set out by the prompts in any detail, and uses generalities to suggest learning.
Lacks to connect any artwork to the general comments and does not exhibit knowledge of the material.
Fails to include any real experience with art and the material learned in class.
Fails to use art speak and any terms of vocabulary used in class.
Fails to connect with peers and hopes that the teacher will not see the non-participation and instead use an automated counting tool (which will NOT ever happen in my class)


If you’re truly brilliant, I’ll tack on a couple more points to keep you inspired to continue raising the bar for the rest of the class, meaning each week you can earn up to 12/10 points, which after 8 discussions, will raise your grade by a solid grade point. It’s a NO BRAINER!

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