The final section of “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” is called “Linguistic Terrorism,” and in it, Anzaldua writes, “So, if you really want to hurt me, talk badly about my language.” Who is the terrorist here? Why do you think so, and what is the impact of this “terrorism”? Is “silence” part of this “terrorism”? Why or why not?
Essay 2 Due: Race and Identity [Anzaldua]
Essay Prompt:
The final section of “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” is called “Linguistic Terrorism,” and in it, Anzaldua writes, “So, if you really want to hurt me, talk badly about my language.” Who is the terrorist here? Why do you think so, and what is the impact of this “terrorism”? Is “silence” part of this “terrorism”? Why or why not?
If the above is NOT clear then let me put it differently . . .
This topic has some flexibility for students. The basic topic is how people from other cultures are pressured [even threatened or harassed] into dropping or modifying their identify [e.g., language, cultural practices, etc.] to become more like the dominant group.
Try to find a couple of articles which explore the difficulties immigrants or People of Color have “fitting” in an American culture still dominated by WASPs [White Anglo Saxon Protestants].
For example, what is behind the large number of Hispanics / Latinos dropping Catholicism for Protestantism? Are they trying to fit in, maybe? What are some other ways that immigrants or POC try to assimilate? Is this wrong and perhaps even a form of violence?
More questions about [and examples of] cultural pressure to assimilate:
Should Black people never use “Ebonics”? Should Latin baseball pros never “bat flip,” after a home run?
Should Muslim women who move to America drop the hajib?
Whatever examples you use [at least 3 total in the essay] you can find reliable articles for SUPPORT. See the “Media Bias Chart” by Ad Fontes. [Note italics and “quotation marks.” :]
Like I said, you have some flexibility. I encourage you to stretch out, as long as you write about the basic topic of race, culture and assimilation pressure in America today. Also remember to provide support and DOCUMENT your source BOTH within your text and AGAIN in the Works Cited. See the MLA in-text citation and Works Cited videos.
Make sure to make a final statement about whether or not the author resolves the issue of whether there is a need for a “secret language,” to retain and honor one’s own culture and background. Include your own opinion on this issue, BUT DO NOT WRITE “IN MY OPINION or “in conclusion.” Those concluding phrases are too obvious.
Using specific examples and cite supportin-text in MLA style.
1.] Do the reading / viewings then read at least two more articles or essays from top-rated news sources listed on the Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart[Google it]. The most reliable sources are clustered in the top center and middle sections of the chart. Reports from well-known, reliable, official sources are also ok [e.g., Center for Disease Control; World Health Organization; European Commission; major research universities].
The word count is stated on the top of the syllabus; that will be our word count unless otherwise stated. [See the top of this page for this assignment’s word count.] The number of paragraphs: minimum FOUR, but five or six is typical for this class.
For this assignment do NOT include large direct quotes. I prefer correctly attributed summarizing, paraphrasing, and the occasional short direct quote [52-7]. So, no block quotes for this assignment.
Over the last several years we have experienced another type of epidemic at HCC: cheating. The HCC Academic Senate, faculty union, administration, and the HCC Board are aware of the problem and taking steps. More students are facing consequences for plagiarism and other types of academic dishonesty. [Fyi, I am one of the faculty pushing for tougher anti-cheating measures.]
Let’s stay under the matching rate % indicated on the syllabus. Do your own work. I don’t want to only hear what others have to say. I am grading you, so I want to hear YOUR analysis, and we want to avoid an “F” for over-“borrowing” or plagiarism [99-106].
Usually the third-person is preferable in academic writing [e.g., they; them; us; we; citizens; viewers; readers; consumers; voters; participants; etc. unless you are specifically asked in the prompt for YOUR perspective. However, in all cases avoid obvious or redundant prefaces such as, “in my opinion,” or “I think,” and avoid the use of thesecond-person pronoun “you.”
Cite at least one of your readings in your essay following MLA in-text citation format [95-99]. Please do not ask me exactly how many times to cite. There is not an absolute number– cite when necessary to support your point. Use the model paper for guidance. That said, if you pressed me, I would say that the minimum number of citations for an essay of this scope would be about three.
To make this assignment easier please check out the model papers for this class on pages 25 and 35.
The model research paper for the end of the semester is the “Great Debate” [144]. That essay is about whether or not Wikipedia should be allowed in college. Btw, we DO NOT allow the use of Wikis or textbooks [except maybe our own] as college essay sources.
Another btw, note how I place the periods in this document AFTER the [parenthetical citations]. See what I just did here?
Some Reminders
See MLA sample essays in the HANDBOOK or Owl Purdue website [MLA only!].
- Identification Format upper-left corner: MLA Name / class / etc.
- Support + in-text citations
[see MLA sample paper in handbook.]
- Avoid the phrase “In conclusion.” It is cliché and too obvious.
- Proofread