– Standard lab report format [intro including aim+hypothesis+background, method, data, results, discussion, conclusion]
– Max 400 words
– Discussion needs to answer the following questions;
1. What effect did selection have on the frequency of the genotype you selected against?
2. What would you predict to be the outcome if you were to keep running this experiment to 50 generations?
3. Name the type of selection you have modelled in Part 4 of the practical and comment on the effect it would have on a distribution curve of phenotypes.
The experiment was done on this site; http://virtualbiologylab.org/ModelsHTML5/PopGenFishbowl/PopGenFishbowl.html
Various starting conditions were changed. I’ve attached both the prac notes including which conditions are to be changed and how, as well as the results I got from changing them. Not all changed starting conditions/results need to be including, some can be excluded for more in depth discussion on the others – Mainly focus on the conditions changed in part 4 of the notes and at the end of the results, selecting against one genotype. Feel free to use the website to get your own results if mine are not suitable.
The prac notes also include some smaller questions. These do not need to be addressed in the report.