Selecting Projects

Assignment 1: Selecting Projects

Write a one to two (1–2) page paper in which you discuss the single most important factor that must be considered when selecting a project.
The format of the paper is to be as follows:
Typed, double-spaced, New Times Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides. APA format.
In addition to the one to two (1–2) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.



Selecting Projects

The most critical factor that ought to be considered when selecting a project is the extent to which the topic has been done in previous studies. It is important that a project is informative to both the researcher and the audience that read or review the research project. Due to this, a researcher should strive to select a project that has not been overdone by previous researchers. This implies that the project is informative and unique among academics and professionals within that particular field. Moreover, a unique project attracts and captivates a wide audience thus increasing the chances of its success (Monette, Sullivan &DeJong, 2011).

While a researcher may be tempted to select a project that interests himself/herself, the interests of the audience should precede those of the researcher. It is inappropriate when a researcher is immensely interested in a project that is not research-worthy(Denzin & Lincoln, 2005). This is because the project will have a bad reception from peer scholars and experts in the respective field. Moreover, if the project does not attract and captivate the audience, it becomes difficult to secure funding for the project. Sponsors are constantly looking at exciting, unique and innovative projects to fund. A researcher who chooses a topic that interests self but repels the audience is likely to fail in his/her indulgence.

As mentioned before, a unique project can attract more funding from facilitators. This is because the project presents an issue that is interesting and captivating to scholars and professionals in that field. Therefore, an interesting and captivating project will arouse the need for more information and knowledge concerning the chosen topic. Moreover, a unique project is likely to be successful in practice; thus increasing the number of parties interested in it (Thyer, 2010). There are also increased chances for future researchers investing in a similar project hence increasing the available knowledge concerning the topic.

A researcher’s innovation and creativity are evoked in the selection of a feasible, applicable and unique project (Starko, 2013). Consequently, researchers who can come up with and complete unique projects that contribute to the knowledge available concerning a topic gain credit and respect of their peers and seniors. Respect and credit afforded to a researcher is beneficial to the status, prominence and future career of a young researcher. This benefit highlights the importance of selecting a unique, creative and captivating project.

In spite of the need to be unique when selecting projects, it is recommendable that the project is feasible and from familiar content so that the required material, sources and budget be easy to secure (Denzin& Lincoln, 2005). Due to this, a researcher’s flexibility, innovation and industry is put to the test when coming up with a unique yet feasible project. Research skills are tested in this scenario. Moreover, multiple consultations may be needed to increase one’s capability to select and develop successful projects. For instance, a researcher can consult experts, professors and colleagues before settling on a project.

Conclusively, selection of a unique project is evidently beneficial to both the researcher and the field of study. This is because the project an innovative and unique project is educative to the audiences and the researcher himself. An under-studied area in the concerned field of research is evaluated thus availing more information to concerned scholars and professionals. Due to this, the extent to which a topic has been studied in previous researches is the most important factor to be considered when selecting a project.




Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2005). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Monette, D. R., Sullivan, T. J., &DeJong, C. R. (2011). Applied social research: A tool for the human services. Australia: Brookscole.

Starko, A. J. (2013). Creativity in the classroom: Schools of curious delight. Routledge.

Thyer, B. A. (2010). The handbook of social work research methods. Los Angeles: SAGE.

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