Sample Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

I have always been excited by people who strategically and precisely think and reason in a logical way. This liking set me in the path of desiring to acquire the relevant skills. I also had a liking for Maths and its application in subjects related to Biology at a young age. More so, I have always found the process of undertaking research to be hilarious and breathtaking. Additionally, the need for logical thinking has been critical in my intrinsic motivation. With the help of parents, friends and my interaction with professionals, I have been able to identify my academic path. This saw me enroll at the University of Washington (UW) as an undergraduate majoring in Mathematics. This was after transferring from a local community college that laid my academic base in Mathematics.

Since I transferred from the Community College, am proud to indicate that my performance has been recommendable. My undergraduate performance has been excellent and has created opportunities in my academic path. More so, I have ensured that I frequently undertake experiments to apply my theoretical studies. This has seen me undertake several types of research, with one that is currently ongoing, in the University. Undertaking research has enabled me to master the process of doing research and improve my analytical skills that I believe are of the essence in my Masters degree.

I desire to further my studies in Biostatics as a way of materializing my dreams. My interactions with the personnel mentioned above have helped me realize that a Masters in Biostatistics will go a long way in helping me realize my dreams. Of particular importance has been a former Ph.D. student of UW, who has been critical in my choice of a course. After sharing my experience and desires, he identified his experience with that of mine and went forth to share his experience as a Ph.D. student in Biostatics. He also shared his experience on the dedication of the professors and their mastery of the content that I believe are crucial and indispensable in my studies. Moreover, being a current student at the University, I have noted the conducive environment that is suitable for my studies. Being admitted to the University will also be critical to maintaining my relationship with my professors whose insights and guidance has been critical in my studies.

The University believes in possibility and optimism are also critical in my studies. I perceive them as yardsticks on which I rejuvenate my intrinsic motivation of realizing logical reasoning skills through my studies in Mathematics and the application of the same in research. The University’s spirit of togetherness also emboldens my confidence in my interaction and studies. I have not experienced such spirit in previous institutions that I had been to, and I believe it would be essential in shaping my confidence in my career. The University has elaborate research programs that would be critical in my research during my studies. I believe these factors make it indispensable to undertake my studies at the University despite the presence of other institutions that do offer the course.

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