It should be about a Qatari firm.
Dear students,
Please answer the following questions regarding your PROJECT
- What is the company name?
- Is it local company? Or MNC but has a brunch in Qatar?
- Is this company a real company?
- If it is a real company, are you allowed to use the real name? or it is a disguised case?
- If you are allowed to disclose the company name, do you have any consent letter from the company to write a case on this
- What will be your source of information? Published materials? Or interview and/or survey with the company staff?
- What product/service does it offer?
- When the case problem is positioned? Year and month [if possible, date as well]
- What is the main problem that the company is facing? This is the problem that you want to highlight in writing the
- What are the sub-problems?
- Who is the protagonist? The person who will be centred to the
- Is there any antagonist? [optional]
- Who is the decision maker? Is the same protagonist? Or Director/owner, ?
- By when the problem has to be solved?
- What are the options left in front of the protagonist to solve this problem?
- If the problem is not being solved by this time, what difficulty the company will face?
- What subject you are going address in this case? [e.g., leadership, organizational culture, employee behaviour, organizational justice, etc.]
- What are the proposed questions that you want to pose at the end of the case? [like your case analysis questions]
Chapters to include in GP
- Chapter 1: Introduction – case problem, decision maker, urgency, alternative
- a] Name, nature, location, and characteristics of the company [very brief]
- b] Introducing the case problem, g.:
- A management team has to select an effective strategy to capture 30% of market shares in 5 years
- An entrepreneur needs to make a decision on positioning his firm’s product
- A manager needs to make a decision or take action
• c] Main issue must directly address learning objectives of the topic and the learning outcome of the course.
- d] Positioning of the main protagonists, g.:
• A CEO, A management team, an entrepreneur, a manager
- Position of protagonist must be consistent with the learning objectives of the topic and the learning outcome of the course
• e] Through the challenge for the reader
Chapters to include in GP
- Chapter 2: Detail description of the industry and industry analysis [Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, etc.]
- Chapter 3: Detail description of the company, the parties involved – the customers, suppliers, government [if relevant] and competitors
- Detail Description of the Company
- Sufficient information should be provided regarding the company
- Historical background
- Pioneer founder[s]
- Branches and location
- Products/services that are being sold or produced
- Customers/clients description
- Employees, Management
- Other information related to the case problem
- The parties involved
- Customers, suppliers, government [if relevant] and competitors
Chapters to include in GP
- Chapter 4: Conclusion [case closure]
- What was the main problem, how it started, what happened exactly, what are consequences, relevant parties
- Generates tension, focuses decision point, suggests options and considerations,
Chapters to include in GP
- Chapter 5: Teaching notes
- Case Synopsis
- Target audience
- Subject & topic
- Learning objective
- Theoretical framework
- Suggested case assignment questions & answers
Chapters to include in GP
• References: All sources of information in writing the case & the teaching notes. It can be interview with a particular person, published source of materials like company periodicals or magazines
• Appendices: Please provide here information which are relevant to this case [e.g., tables, graphs, charts, pictures, diagram, management tree, family tree, financial statement, profit and loss statement, etc.