Diversity in UCR

Diversity in UCR

As I lay on my bed listening to pop music, I could not help but wonder. My heart is pounding and I cannot seem to settle. For the last one week I have not had good sleep and my worry is taking a toll on me. My mother is evidently concerned since I’m not visiting the kitchen as often as I used to. It is all about my further studies in an institution since I just graduated from high school last year. I cannot seem to wrap my mind on the whole issue or get a conclusive answer. For a fortnight now I have been searching all the research institutions in the country but I have not been successful in getting one that holds diversity as one of its pillars.

I have given studies my all in the last twelve years and thought that passing the final exam was the end of my troubles. Little did I know that life is a cyclic succession of daily worries that never seems to end. I remember my whole stay in school, from kindergarten to my recent graduation and felt a ripple of faith travel within me. “Yes I can do it”, I suddenly yelled. My fears are informed since I am colored and so I am fearing any kind of discrimination during my college years. I remember an instance of discrimination from long ago when I was a little kid and do not want to face the same fate.

So here I am all over the internet searching for an institution that upholds diversity within its functions. I consult some of my friends who I think would be resourceful and I’m referred to UCR. I’m a little bit shocked by now since all of them are giving me the same answer and a thousand thoughts are running through my mind.Just then another friend connects me to his friend who has firsthand information regarding the institution. I then learn that this friend is an alumni of UCR so I delve into asking him some hard questions concerning diversity. All his answers are to the affirmative and I dig some more information regarding the institution. I learn that UCR is one of the most ethnically diverse research institutions in the whole nation and my heart is at peace now.I now relax on the bed and start writing down the admission letter, which I need to deliver to UCR the following day.

Now that I have seen the face of UCR, I see the blacks, Asians, whites and so many more. An appalling experience to get to have a taste of various cultures, you never get to meet on race twice consecutively.

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