Choose only one: a) Assess the value of hosting events as a strategy for destination development. OR b) Assess the impact of economic and technological change on destination development
An academic essay contains continuous prose and is written using the third person so you should not refer to yourself or the reader in a direct manner. A strong essay will incorporate discussion of all key concepts and themes set out in the topic. Very strong essays will incorporate relevant information gained from governmental tourism reports and plans. Strong essays will do more than simply describe the current state of play with respect to the destination management plans in these locations.
A comprehensive reference list is essential. Be sure to number the pages of the essay and provide a complete reference list on a separate page at the end of the work. References should be single spaced with double spacing between references and placed in alphabetical order in the Harvard style.
The following space allocations are provided as a guideline for this assignment:
Introduction, identification and explanation of key terms and the relationship between them, set out the purpose of the essay and your approach to the topic – 1 page
Setting the context for your discussion. Outlining possible directions for the discussion but being sure to emphasise and justify your approach and outline the points you will cover – 1 page
Body of the essay, development of key themes for the topic – 3 pages
Conclusion – 1 page
Research Paper
Impact of Economic and Technological Change on Destination Development
The different tourist’s destinations should offer the value that visitors desire. The tourists are very responsive. They are continuously looking for the destinations with the quality services, and a variety of valuable entertainment services. It is crucial for the tourists sector to be responsive to changes in the economic and technological environment. Different countries seek to increase the number of the tourists visiting the different destinations in those countries. The intense competition between countries leaves the tourists with a great variety of the destinations to choose. The countries with the best destinations always make huge benefits from the increased number of the visitors. Due to the increased competition in the tourists sector the economic and the technological change has a significant effect on the destination development.
Explanation of the key terms
The economic change involves the alteration of the fundamental factors in the economy that mainly affects the operations of the business and the well-being of the community. Some of the vital economic factors affecting the destination developments include interest rate changes, labor costs, government’s policies, interest rates, inflation, and the taxation. A technological change refers to the increased efficiency that facilitates the increased output without increasing the inputs. The technological change relates to the major innovations and inventions introduced in the processes and the different products.
Destination development is a constant process relevant in the improvements of the facilities, amenities, and services that would enhance the provision of quality services to the communities hosting the visitors. The crucial purpose of the essay is to analyze the crucial impact of the economic and technological changes on the destination development (Williams, 2004, p.217).
Context of the discussion
The economic and the technological changes have a negative or the positive impact of the destinations developments. Largely, the impacts of the technological changes are dependent on how the tourism sector responds to the changes that occur. For instance, the world is changing towards the use of the information and communication technology (ICT). The use information technology is making the tourism industry to turn from the huge advertisements and promotions done in the promotion of the tourism. The success of a country in the tourism would be dependent on whether actions are taken to embrace the use of technology.
The economic change also has a significant effect on the destinations development. It is fundamental to appreciate that the economic factors can change positively or negatively towards the development of the tourism. Based on the economic strength the developed countries have the capability to attract the tourist than the developing nations. The developed countries have the financial power to offer great experience and the superb services to the tourist from the different places in the world. Ardahaey (2011, p.208) explained that the developing countries contribution in the tourism has been largely neglected in the developed world. Nevertheless, the level of the tourism in the developing countries is growing. The package holidays provided in Asia, Africa, and the Latin America has gained popularity over other tourist areas such as Spain and Greece. With the great factors of consideration such as infrastructure, security, quality of the services offered, and wildlife, the economic changes would have the huge impacts of the destinations developments. The changes in the foreign exchange, interest rates, inflations and the taxation and the labor sectors would determine the pace at which the development would take place.
The world is changing greatly, and the destinations developments must be aligned with the technological developments. A failure to align the destinations developments with the technological change would lead to the reduced number of the tourists visiting the country. Technology developments make some of the equipment and the processes obsolete, and the destinations development has to be aligned with the technological developments. Investing in the technological developments requires huge investments but they are necessary to improve the competitive advantage the countries have in the tourism sector. The stakeholders in the tourist sector must take into considerations the huge technological developments taking place before initiating the development projects meant to improve the destinations in the tourism sector.
Newton (2008, p. 107) noted that the ICT revolutions has a huge impact on the tourism sector in the reduction of the cost of labor, the cost of the advertisement, flexibility, and efficiency in the tourists sector. The technological change mainly introduced new methods of doing things that come hand in hand with the cost. Once the ICT technological developments were made, there were great efficiencies associated. Moreover, the technological developments may supplement the methods currently used by the organizations. The use of the ICT largely determines the competitive advantage of an organization in the international tourism market. The important consideration in the destinations development is on how the technology would be used in the development to increase competitive advantage in the tourism sector. It should be used to build the technological developments dependent on the proved rules in making strategies (Newton, 2008, p. 108).
Sambhanthan and Good (2013, p.05) explained how the adoption of the technological change enhances the customer satisfaction through the development of the e-tourism. The plans in the destinations developments would be effective if the effect of the technological changes is considered. The use of the technological developments to build the virtual world model would facilitate the accessibility of the important destinations as well as the marketing of the different tourist’s destinations. Under the description, the tourist sector would utilize the developments in the information technology to meet the needs of the elderly tourists and those with disabilities inability to walk. The model gives the tourist the chance to view the different sceneries at different places without visiting the regions. The applications of the virtual tourism will increase the willingness of the tourists to visit the crucial areas in the country. Moreover, the model would be looked like an important tool in addition to the others used normally. The model is also significant to help alleviate the fear the tourists develop when they visit the intended destinations. The model is very significant in helping the tourists to visit important but inaccessible areas in the destinations. Moreover, the areas where there are delicate plants would be easily accessed through the use the virtual visits (Sambhanthan & Good, 2013, p.05).
There are different relevant ICT tools that that have developed from the changes in the technology and are pertinent in enhancing the destinations developments. The tools have the capability to enhance the organization to meet the crucial goals for providing the quality services to the visitors and enhancing the welfare of the local people. First, the carbon calculator is used to establish the amount of the carbon that has been released into the atmosphere. The monitoring of the emissions is significant to both the local people and the visitors. Notably, it is possible to attract the tourist who values the conservation of the environment. Second, the Community Informatics is a tool utilized in the provisions of the online media to encourage the community to participate in the developments of the tourism sector. The tools ensure that the communities are involved in the decisions making and in the identifications of the opportunities available in the sector. Third, the location-based services tool is used to promote the communication between the different stakeholders in the tourism sector. The devices give information dependent on where the customers are located. The tools are used to provide the relevant information to the tourists in understanding and familiarizing them with the needs of environments in the tourist destination. The important information provided to the tourists relates to the culture, customs, and the heritage. The information is provided to ensure that the tourist has gained the best in the travel. Moreover, information related to the weather conditions, security, transports, and the availability of the accommodations is provided on the website. The changes that occur in the technology are as a result of innovations and developments. It is vital to consider the change in the technology (Ali and Frew, 2014, p. 08).
The changes in the interest rates reduce the ability of the local people and the government to develop the infrastructures, amenities and the conservations of the environment. Notably, the destinations developments intend to enhance the quality of the services as well as the well-being of the people living in the areas around the tourist attractions sites. The increased interest rates by the international financial institutions and the local commercial banks reduce the capability of the government and local investors to access the investment funds. Currently, few multinational companies make efforts to monopolize the tourists sector, especially in the developing countries. Most of the companies are based in the developed countries and offer a wide variety of the packages including transport and the holiday services. When government lacks funds to promote the developments necessary in the destinations, the international companies exploit the markets at the expense of the local people. The foreign companies make the destinations developments, but the governments benefit little from the tourists sector. Moreover, the foreign investors take the opportunities that would have been utilized by the local people. If the government is unwilling to attract the foreign investors, there are very few tourist compared to other regions in the world (Ardahaey, 2011, p. 207).
The inflations and the changes in the exchange rates have a huge impact on the prices charged by the tourist sector. It also has an impact on the economic developments initiated by the government. The prices charged have an impact on the number of the visitors willing to visit the destinations in a given country. The different countries make an effort to make certain that the prices charged are affordable. Forsyth and Dwyer (2009, p. 79) noted that the price charged is a great consideration before the tourist can make a visit to the different tourist destinations. The destinations offering similar services to the tourists compete over one another easily, and the prices are highly elastic. The exchange rates have an impact on the prices charged by the tourist’s destinations. The tourists with imperfect knowledge will respond to the exchange rate changes while the real price charged for the tourists has not changed (Forsyth and Dwyer, 2009, p. 80). Majorly, the destinations developments are funded through the funds raised from the tourists visiting the regions in the country. At the same time, the developments are made to satisfy the customers willing to visit the areas. Moreover, the developments are necessary for attracting new visitors. The reduced number of the visitors in the regions has an impact on the availability of the funds for the destinations developments. Besides, the government and the private sectors would not be motivated to invest largely in the tourism sector when the profits generated cannot meet the expenses.
The technological changes have a huge impact on the destinations developments. The governments must respond adequately to the technological changes. They have the ability to preserve the competitiveness of the tourism sector. Notably, the ICT infrastructure is important in promoting the virtual tourism that has the capability to attract a huge number of tourists from the international market. The investments in the ICT developments would ensure that the tourism sectors have gained an adequate competitive advantage in the international market. The tourism sector can not avoid the technological changes. The effects would be dependent on how the sectors respond to the technological developments. If the tourism sector does not respond adequately to the changes in the technology, it would be very difficult to have the ability to attract the tourists in the international market. The destinations developments must always be aligned with the changes in the technology. Once the technology change is incorporated in the destinations developments, there is a probability of realizing increased market share in the global market.
The economic changes largely affect the developments made in the tourist sector. The prices are affected by the exchange rate changes and the inflations in the country. The competition in the prices leaves the tourists with a great choice of the number of the destinations to visit. Thus, the tourists are very responsive to the increase in the prices or the changes in the exchange rates. The reduced number of the tourists will affect the motivation and the finances available for the developments of the destinations. The economic factors such as the changes in the exchanges rate and the inflations are a bit hard to respond compared to the technological changes. Therefore, they have a huge impact on the developments made in the tourist’s destinations. When making plans for destinations developments, the effect of the technological and the economic changes should always be considered. Moreover, the tourists are constantly looking for the destinations that meet their needs for the travel and the entertainment. Therefore, the government and the tourists sector should adopt a methodology to enhance the development of the destinations that tourists visit most. There are other factors that affect the success of the development and the increased number of the tourists in the sector. Decisions makers and planners should always understand that the success of the projects is dependent on the local communities, technological and the economic changes.
Ali, A., & Frew, A. J. 2014. Technology innovation and applications in sustainable destination development. Information Technology & Tourism, 14(4), 265-290.
Ardahaey, F. T. 2011. Economic impacts of tourism industry. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(8), p206.
Forsyth, P., & Dwyer, L. 2009. Tourism price competitiveness. In The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, Managing in a Time of Turbulence, World Economic Forum, Geneva (pp. 77-90).
Newton, P. W. 2008. Transitions: pathways towards sustainable urban development in Australia. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer Science.
Sambhanthan, A., & Good, A. 2013. A virtual world model to enhance tourism destination accessibility in developing countries. arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.5199.
Williams, S. 2004. Tourism: Tourism, development and sustainability (Vol. 3). Taylor & Francis.