Summarize Castelo’s Theological Theodicy. Be sure that each summary is content-rich and not merely an outline, a skeleton, a structure of the material. Discuss two theological concepts from those learned from Castelo’s Theological Theodicy that align with or help you clarify better these two insights concepts from Elliot’s story. Name and explain them and properly cite both Elliot and Castelo directly or indirectly. 6] Your theological response to two weaknesses from the book: considering your initial your initial reflection.
“Suffering and Me,” what life questions or theological issues did you disagree with, or did you not understand after listening to Elliot’s teaching/story? What theological insights/understanding from Castelo’s book [primarily] and from other texts [secondarily] read so far have helped you gain better clarity on Christian specific Christian concepts/practices in relation to suffering.
Use one example of a new theological concept that you learned from Castelo’s Theological Theodicy that could become a practical ally in how you could better deal with “whys” questions in the future. Be sure to cite Castelo on that theological concept directly or indirectly.