Case Study DB #1: Empathy and Generalist Practice Discussion Board



please write around 400 words, for the rest of the word count, please write a peer response to the sample……

no reference needed, read carefully the instructions and samples

please do read the samples at least once

please do cover all the questions

(The Community of Globe – This document provides some information about the community where the clients in your case study live).

Empathy and Generalist Practice Discussion Board Prompt

  • Points Possible: 15
  • Score attempts using:Discussion Board
  • Limit availability dates? Yes. Students must post before seeing peers posts. Students should have access to post within the week Chapter 6 and Empathy readings are discussed.
  • Due Date: End of week Chapter 6 and Empathy readings have been discussued
  • Recipients? All students; If you have a large course you can Randomly assign them to groups to complete all discussion boards.
  • This could also be an in class group assignment

Empathy and Generalist Practice Discussion Board (15 points):

This discussion board relates to this week’s learning objective: compare theoretical perspectives that impact generalist practice and how they connect to a client’s life. Evaluation of the empathy process and identification of key components to empathy. Explanation of social work values and ethics through application to case studies.

The purpose of this discussion board is to help you understand the basics of generalist practice in Social Work. You will practice identifying a theoretical framework that could be applied to their case studies. Additionally, you will also apply key aspects of empathy to their case and evaluate the importance of empathy. You will also identify one ethical issue that they locate in their case study and how you would handle it (think back to the NASW Code of Ethics from Module 1). You will also self rate the priority of the 6 core values of social work in reflection to their case study. You can reach learning objectives by reading the case study you are assigned (found in the File Exchange within your group) and providing thoughtful response that includes critical thinking. You will be expected to apply course concepts to your client’s case.


Create a new thread and in the subject line have your name and the title.  Posts should be no less than 300 words and no more than 500 words. You need to address the following questions in your response:

  1. How would you demonstrate empathy for your client? How is this different than showing sympathy to your client?
  2. Out of all the theories and frameworks discussed in Chapter 6, which one do you think would benefit your client the most? Why?
  3. Do you think that your client would benefit more from group therapy, individual therapy, or both? Discuss the “why” behind your choice.
  4. Discuss one ethical challenge you observed in your case study (or one you think will be a problem for you). Then discuss how you would resolve it using the NASW Code of Ethics. Additionally, rank the importance of all Social Work core values as you see them relating to your case study.

5 . What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material?

  1. Please ensure that you respond to at least one peer in addition to your own post! Peer responses are expected to be a minimum of 100 words. Be sure to include critical thinking and thoughtful feedback in your response to ensure you earn the full amount of points in your post.







Grading Rubric

Criteria Proficient Competent Novice
How would you demonstrate empathy for your client? How is this different than showing sympathy to your client? 2 Points
Student discusses their empathy strategy clearly and differentiates “sympathy” from “empathy”.
1 Points
Student briefly discusses empathy strategy OR student does not provide differentiation between “sympathy” and “empathy”
0 Points
Student does not discuss empathy strategy nor do they differentiate “sympathy” from “empathy”
Out of all the theories and frameworks discussed in Chapter 6, which one do you think would benefit your client the most? Why? 2 Points
Student provides a theory/framework to apply to their client’s case and provides justification for their selection.
1 Points
Student provides theory/framework. Rationale/justification is unclear or missing.
0 Points
Student does not provide theory/framework to apply to their case study.
Do you think that your client would benefit more from group therapy, individual therapy, or both? Discuss the “why” behind your choice. 2 Points
Student provides detailed answer with rationale for their decision about client’s “therapeutic benefit”. Student also discusses the “why” behind their choice.
1 Points
Student provides vague or brief decision for client’s “therapeutic benefit”. Student’s “why” behind choice is unclear or not present.
0 Points
Student does not provide an answer determining what choice they made in client’s therapy.
Discuss one ethical challenge you observed in your case study (or one you think will be a problem for you). Then discuss how you would resolve it using the NASW Code of Ethics. Additionally, rank the importance of the Social Work core values as you see them relating to your case study. 2 Points
Student identifies an ethical challenge and resolves it using NASW code of ethics as their guide. Student also ranks social work core values based on how important they think they are to their case.
1 Points
Student either: 1. Identifies an ethical challenge but does not adequately resolve it and student does not rank the core values. OR 2. Student ranks core values based on how they view their importance, but gives minimal to no information about ethical challenges and how they would resolve it.
0 Points
Student does not provide an answer regarding ethical challenges nor do they rank the core values.
What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material? 2 Points
Student asks a question of their own that contains critical thinking or concern.
1 Points
Student provides question. Critical thinking is not present or is unclear.
0 Points
Student does not ask their own question.
Peer Response 5 Points
Student provides thoughtful response and engages critical thinking in their response. (If applicable) Student answers their peers question.
2.5 Points
Student responds to peer, but either has: 1. Numerous spelling/grammatical errors. OR 2. Does not provide a thoughtful response or include critical thinking in their response.
0 Points
Student does not complete the required peer response.
Grammar & Word Count Infractions 0 Points
1- 3 grammatical errors 1-5 words over/under—no points deducted from overall score.
3 – 5 grammatical errors, spelling, coherency, etc. 6-25 Word over/under—0.5 points deducted from overall score.
0 Points
6-10 errors—1 deducted from overall score
25 -50 words over/under—1.5-2 points deducted from overall score.
0 Points
Extremely poor writing – multiple errors, poor sentence structure, lack of clarity, etc. 3 to 4 points deducted from overall score.



Sample Discussion Paper


Case Study DB #1: Empathy and Generalist Practice

I would demonstrate empathy through communicating with my client by portraying that I understand his situation and that we are at the same emotional level. I would avoid the instance where the client may feel inferior due to the problem that he has. This approach of expressing empathy is different from showing sympathy. Showing sympathy involves making a person feel that another person has taken pity on him or her. In this case, my client would feel disempowered and may worsen his situation.

My client would benefit from the cognitive-behavioral theory. This theory involves relating one’s emotions to how he or she behaves. My client has been affected by the loss of his mother and thus appears to have lost concentration in his study. He has not been assisted or guided on how to cope with the situation and this is why it is affecting his performance in school. The knowledge of the relationship between emotions and behavior through cognitive-behavioral theory, I would be in a position to guide him on how he can cope with his situation.

In reference to my client’s situation, he would benefit from both group therapy and individual therapy. Group therapy involves various people expressing their experiences on how they are going through a certain situation and how they are coping with it. The people in the group may be in different stages of the therapy. One of the objectives of psychotherapy is instilling hope to the client and make him get back his wellbeing. Hearing other people’s experiences on how they have been dealing with the problem especially those at later stages of the therapy would be effective in instilling hope to my client. Individual therapy, on the other hand, involves a client confiding his or her feeling to a therapist who then offers advice on how to cope with a situation. My client would also benefit from this as a competent therapist can be in a position to turn his situation around.

Formation of my client’s personality is arguably the hardest ethical challenge involved in this situation. Relating to the fact that no one has legal documentation to take care of him after his mother’s demise, my client is having a hard time as he may feel neglected. Though difficult, as a social worker, I would assist my client’s biological father who is in prison to adopt his son. I would rank the importance of all social work core values such as dignity, service and worth of the person, human relationships’ importance, social justice, competence and integrity.

A question worth evaluating is how psychotherapy for my client would be affected by people in the society, such as in school, who may start giving him special attention due to his situation?


This case study involves institutional discrimination. Despite the fact that there is difficulty in changing the guardianship of Tony, the institutions that his grandmother has visited should have helped her in this matter. According to the children’s right, Tony is not supposed to be treated in this manner where it appears that he has been neglected. This, therefore, indicates that the situation needed the intervention of a social worker. In reference to Your work, it demonstrates that you had a deep understanding of the aspects covered in class and this contributes to the credibility of your arguments. However, I feel that you may have expounded on the answer to the third question. It appears that you have given a general observation concerning how both group therapy and individual therapy helps patients. You have not effectively linked your arguments regarding how each could help your client. Overall, despite the above objection, your work is commendable.

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