Case #2 – Data Driven Detection

Work on Part A only in instructions.
There are 4 questions in the BMDC case file,
just work on Questions 2 and 4 in the BMDC Case

There are two parts [A & B] to this group assignment [data-driven detection] and several files will need to be submitted. Only one submission per group please. There are 5 questions in total between the two parts of this group assignment [18 points each]. The remaining 10 points cover the grammar [and typos], flow, clarity and overall professionalism of the group’s submission files.

Part A [4 questions]:

Please read the Bags Medical Device Company [“BMDC”] case and complete the questions provided in the case file. Appendix 1 Workbook is also provided below.

BMDC Case [1].pdf  Download BMDC Case [1].pdf

Appendix 1 Contract and Sales Commission Workbook.xlsx  Download Appendix 1 Contract and Sales Commission Workbook.xlsx


Each group is expected to submit two files for Part A:

  • Summary of Findings Report [Word] that provides summary figures from question 1 and responses to questions 2-4.
  • Completed Workbook [Excel] Tabs 1-3 of the Contract and Sales Commission Workbook[Appendix 1].
  • this is already completed [see attached excel sheet]

Formatting: Font Size [12], and Line Spacing [1 – 1.5].

Tips for quick excel work: Pivot tables

Or, for more detailed support with Excel, utilize Lynda courses that are free with your student access through the NSU library: [Links to an external site.]

 [Links to an external site.]Once logged-in, search “Excel Pivot Tables” and you will find a wide range of basic to advanced skill courses and videos on the topic. There are also many short video options if you choose to simply search YouTube.

Part B [1 question]:

Read the article included below titled: “Using Excel and Benford’s Law to detect fraud.” The article includes an example video showing how Benford’s Law can be utilized quickly using Excel on a large dataset.


Each group is expected to submit one file for Part B:

  • Using the same Checkbook_data_BL-1 Excel, in a separate tab, provide your Benford’s Law analysis and respond to the above question. All functions should be available for review and not numbers simply pasted [i.e. the functions & graph discussed in the article: LEFT, COUNTIF, a Graph of the data].
  • Bonus/Extra Credit 7 points:Using Excel’s LOG command/function [i.e. LOG[1+1/n]], calculate the Benford’s Law probabilities and the ‘dollar amount’ data probabilities, side-by-side, and create a Combo Chart to show both probabilities. This chart would look very similar to Figure 6.4 in the textbook

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