
Assignment Four-Field experience in the visual arts and music classroom

To develop a better understanding of the teaching-learning and assessment processes as well as teacher effectiveness through observation and reflection it will be necessary to:

Select an elementary school and grade

Make arrangements to visit the selected visual arts and music classes

Keep a journal for the virtual or videos observations

Field experience Activity:

The purpose of the field experience activity is to add to the knowledge base of subject area content, enhance skills of critical analysis, and decision making as related specifically to the teaching of art in the elementary curriculum[K-6]. The field experience activity focuses on best practices in the elementary classroom. This activity focuses on observation and reflection on the use of a variety of assessment strategies in the elementary classroom. For example, it focuses on the use of effective and varied communication strategies with students, specialist teachers, and support personnel in art and the use of effective teaching strategies for grouping, adapting existing materials and technology, and designing appropriately –sequenced learning activities based on the national curriculum standards, the state’s curriculum standards. Before observing two elementary teachers [1 music teacher; 1 visual arts teacher]and their students in classes focusing on teaching art and music, develop an observation checklist that will focus attention and provide the basis for collecting  data in the following areas:

Use of direct teaching or media in art and music instruction

Various teacher roles, school organizational patterns and philosophical variants in the school system’s art and music programs

Organization and management of varied learning groups in teaching the visual arts and music to address elementary [K-6] student needs and interests

Team collaboration in planning for visual arts and music instruction Use of systematic feedback and coaching to promote learning in the areas of visual arts and music

Content and skills taught in visual arts and music and their correlation to the state’s curriculum standards [Florida’s State Standards/Common Core State Standards]

Use of Elementary Competencies and Skills and Competencies and Skills in Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education, and Health and ESE Competencies and Skills in planning visual arts and music instruction. After you observe the two teachers, you will write are reflective analysis and conclusion presenting one’s overall position and reaction to what was observed and how classroom practice reflects theory. In this reflective paper you are also going to compare and contrast the strategies employed by the two teachers observed. You can use these questions to guide your reflective paper: How were the state’s curriculum standards [Florida’s State Standards/Common Core State Standards] addressed through the strategies used. How was knowledge and understanding of the Elementary Education Competencies and Skills and Competencies and Skills in Music, Visual Arts Competencies and Skills demonstrated in lesson activities? How effective were the strategies used with ESOL/LEP students or students with other special needs? How effective were the strategies used with students of different ability levels? Were strategies, materials, and technologies modified to accommodate individual student’s learning, particularly for ESOL/LEP/ESE? If so, in what ways were the strategies modified?

 The reflective paper needs to include:

  • Introduction- included the school and teachers’ background information and added important information that helps to understand better the environment were the field experience was done
  • Summary from the observations to two elementary education teachers teaching arts and music with comparison and contrast of the strategies employed by the two teachers.
  • Analysis and conclusion presenting one’s overall position and reaction to what was observed and how classroom practice reflects theory. Support your reflection with professional literature.
  • Analysis of the use of K-6 Competencies and Skills in the classes observed. The analysis included examples. Analysis of the strategies and technology used with ESOL/LEP students or students with other special needs.

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